How to Capture Attention and Establish Trajectory

Frank Lloyd Wright said an expert is someone who has “stopped thinking because he ‘knows.’”*

I ignored Warren Berger’s email. It arrived on February 24, 2014, and sat in my inbox for weeks. He’s written, “A More Beautiful Question.” It sounded boring.



I don’t need another book about questions. I’m the most curious question-asker I know. Leaders hire me to ask questions. I’m an expert. But, Warren’s email wouldn’t go away.

Knowledge closes minds; ignorance opens them.

You may be smart, but in a world where knowledge grows exponentially, no one knows.

The most dangerous lie leaders believe is they know.


Warren and I finally connected. I hate to admit it, but, he’s as passionate about questions as I am. Worse yet, he’s thought about questions in ways that hadn’t occurred to me.

For example, what if your mission statement ended with a question mark? Statements are final and boring. Warren says they may even be arrogant.

Questions are invitations.

Mission Question:

A mission question says, “This is what we’re striving for – we know we’re not there yet, but we’re on the journey.”*

The feeling of “not yet” pulls you forward.

We love answers, at first. But, answers become outdated burdens with time.

A beautiful question lasts a lifetime.

Organizational questions:

Questions capture attention and establish trajectory. Your organization answers questions. What are they?

Everything you do is the answer to a question.

Connection happens when questions align. What if you create an organizational document titled, “These are the questions we’re answering?”

Personal questions:

I’ve been answering three questions for ten years.

  1. Why did I suck at leadership for so long?
  2. How can I be a better leader today?
  3. How can I help others develop their leadership?

What questions are you answering?

What are your organization’s questions?

* “A More Beautiful Question