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13 Grief Management Principles Coaches Employ In Their Client Work

Forbes Coaches Council
Updated Mar 15, 2023, 09:35am EDT

Clients may come to coaching professionals for help in dealing with dashed dreams, business failures or crises of identity—all of which can result in a sense of grieving. Grief is a universal human experience that, in the wake of a pandemic, social and political unrest, and numerous global tragedies, has come to the forefront for many people.

Therefore, it’s important for coaches to understand and be ready to employ basic tenets of grief management in a variety of scenarios. Below, 13 members of Forbes Coaches Council discuss principles they have learned from grief management that they use in their coaching practices to help clients through all kinds of difficult situations.

1. Take It One Day At A Time

A recurrent theme in leadership and executive coaching is clients wanting to work through certain challenges. The lesson from grief management I employ is taking it one day at a time. This is almost the opposite of long-term thinking, which can sometimes be daunting. Taking it one day at a time streamlines the effort required, improves focus and simplifies the challenge to bite-sized chunks. - Vinesh Sukumaran, Vinesh Sukumaran Consulting

2. Let Go Of Former Identities

In helping career relaunchers get through their transformation, a key element is to let go of your former work/professional identity. Many clients have done the work on denial and anger already, yet there are times when regression occurs, and offering emotional support is critical here. Also finding self-acceptance and willingness to adapt to uncertainty is similar to grief management concepts. - Kelly Huang, Coach Kelly Huang

3. Hold Space For Changing Needs

I hold the space for the client to feel and do what is needed at that moment. Grief impacts us all differently, from leaving us uncontrollably emotional to seemingly having little to no care about the circumstances. Within each option in the spectrum is the opportunity to allow the client to engage with what suits them best at that moment. I offer that freedom to all my clients, as needed. - Arthi Rabikrisson, Prerna Advisory

4. Reflect Upon A Proven Grief Model

I find the Kübler-Ross grief curve invaluable in helping leaders navigate major change for themselves and their teams. When clients have a proven model to reflect upon, it legitimizes their feelings of denial, anger, depression and so on, which accompany loss, both personal and professional. The model also provides reassurance and hope that, with adequate support, we are typically highly resilient people. - Dr. John Blakey, The Trusted Executive

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5. Give Yourself Time

My answer to almost every situation, which seems to work most of the time, is to take action. But that does not often apply to grief situations. Nothing helps partially mend wounds other than time. Our immediate present is all we really have—we don’t own the future and can only change the past through perspective. Perspective only seems to come from surviving and, if possible, advancing. Time helps heal wounds. - John M. O’Connor, Career Pro Inc.

6. Know That Every Emotion Is Valid

It is essential to reassure the client that it is safe for them to feel every emotion they have in a coaching environment. Clients need your empathetic hearing and presence as they try to sort through and deal with their grief. Additionally, it’s crucial to continue coaching without associating the client’s emotions with your own. - Fatih Elibol, MCC Fatih Elibol

7. Understand That Loss Changes Us

As a certified grief coach and executive coach, I help my clients normalize and understand grief in the face of all manner of losses. Understanding that we are different after such losses helps my clients to center on what is important to them right now and who they are now—not who they used to be, who someone else wants them to be or who they feel they should be. - Nikki Moberly, Big Breakthroughs

8. Remember That It’s Always Okay To Cry

The most important thing I learned from grief management was that it’s okay to cry. I’m not just talking about crying when you’re sad, but also when you’re angry and happy. I used to hold things in all the time, but now I’ve learned to let myself feel everything—and to take what I’ve learned from those feelings and use them in my coaching. - Willena Long, Career Boss Academy

9. Own The Situation, Then Move On

Own it, and then move on. The act of accepting the grief and owning the situation is the gateway to seeing past it. Take the negative charge out of the equation. From a calm place, you can then look at the opportunities in front of you and plan solutions to adapt to the changes and address the grief from another perspective—one that you are in charge of. - Sara Phelan, Evalu8-Evolve Business Coaching

10. Don’t Feel Pressured To Share

You don’t have to share everything you are experiencing. When others are aware of a challenge you’re facing, it is natural for them to ask, “How are you doing?” You don’t need to feel obligated to answer in detail. When in the midst of it, you actually need a break from it being the topic of every conversation. Simply respond with one positive aspect. It helps you shift while also appeasing the inquirer. - Sherre DeMao, BizGrowth Inc

11. Be Patient

I’ve learned that it’s essential to be patient, give people time to process their emotions, and even teach the client to do this if necessary. This is helpful when coaching clients who are dealing with difficult life transitions or major changes. It makes me more understanding and compassionate toward those who are grieving the loss of a loved one or are in the process of coming to terms with a difficult situation. - Mikhail Saidov, Coaching Solutions

12. Learn To Trust The Process

It can’t be worked through and done with. This is something many of us learn after losing loved ones, even if we take time to grieve. In other situations, we tend to be so result-focused that “never-ending projects” can be very frustrating. But depending on what it is, we just have to learn to be okay with the topic coming up again and again, often in different guises, just like grief. - Micha Goebig, Go Big Coaching & Communications, LLC

13. Manage Mixed Emotions

Managing mixed emotions is a principle learned from grief management that works well in a coaching capacity. Passion is a driver of emotion in the workplace, in relationships and elsewhere. It’s important to recognize emotional triggers and manage the response with effective coping strategies and specific language to help avoid future conflict. - Tinna Jackson, Jackson Consulting Group, LLC

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