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15 Big Mistakes Companies Make With Press Releases

Forbes Agency Council
Updated Jul 15, 2022, 01:51pm EDT

To some businesses, press releases may seem like an old-fashioned method of communicating with target audiences. While it’s true they have been used by organizations for more than a century, it is because—done right—a single press release can help a business share an important event announcement, information about a new product launch or critical crisis communications, building trust and credibility with a wide audience.

The key is to have a strong, solid strategy in place before starting on any press release. As simple as it may appear, the members of Forbes Agency Council know that the writing and distribution of an impactful press release can be more complex than marketers may anticipate. Here, 15 members share some of the biggest mistakes companies make with press releases.

1. Not Sharing News In The Context Of The Broader Marketplace

No one will ever love your brand as much as you do, including journalists. It’s imperative to share your news in the context of the broader marketplace and explain why it’s relevant to readers. Consumers will make up their own minds, so tell your story in a meaningful and relevant way to potential readers, and avoid the self-serving sales pitch. - Edward Hoffman, The Varick Group LLC

2. Believing Everything Your Company Does Is ‘Release-Worthy’

A big mistake I see is a company believing everything it does is “release-worthy,” when much is not. It is hard for an executive to face the fact that much of what they think is “big news” is simply not news to the industry or general media. An important role for an agency can be pulling its clients back from saturating the market with non-news so that real news doesn’t suffer from “cry wolf” saturation. - Brian Sullivan, Sullivan Branding

3. Posting The Same Exact Content On Your Own Website

Press releases offer an excellent opportunity to surface new information prominently in search. It’s important to release them on wire services that tend to rank well for your industry. It is also wise to use unique text for your press release. If you use the exact same content on your own website, you risk a Google duplicate content penalty. - Sam Michelson, Five Blocks

4. Not Explaining Why An Item Is Newsworthy

Press releases are often written quickly, as timeliness is often a key goal. As such, many businesses overlook the importance of providing explanations when writing them. It’s critical to ensure that audiences understand why this item is newsworthy and/or why quick action is needed, if appropriate. If you’re simply outlining business news, identify how the information benefits your clients/customers. - Peter Boyd, PaperStreet Web Design

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5. Not Optimizing Press Releases For SEO

Press releases are not so much a tool for gaining media coverage these days as they are a tool for ranking and positioning your company and its updates on Page 1 of Google search results. Post via a wire service to raise visibility for your company and leadership, and embed keywords and terms such as your industry, space and solution into your release. - Carm Lyman, Lyman Agency

6. Not Including Multimedia Elements In A Press Release

One mistake is not including multimedia elements in a press release. Photos, videos, infographics and more make a press release more appealing. Including them is a best practice, whether you’re sending a release to small, local newspapers or to top-tier outlets. Be sure to include a compelling caption and the full names of any people pictured. You want to make it easy for the outlet to tell the story. - Michelle Abdow, Market Mentors, LLC

7. Not Being Newsworthy

Don’t waste editors’ time with announcements that are of no value to their audience. A press release’s job is to make it easier for the media to tell your brand story. Flooding their inboxes with unworthy fluff runs counter to that goal. A tool is only as good as its usefulness. - Stephen Rosa, (add)ventures

8. Using Canned Quotes

Some mistakes companies make include not optimizing the release for SEO, especially with wire distribution, and using canned quotes. Incorporating key words and messaging can differentiate and reinforce the brand while also amplifying its digital footprint. Unexpected and powerful quotes can get a reporter’s attention, humanize the brand and help it better connect with target audiences. - Anna Crowe, Crowe PR

9. Focusing On The Copy Over Visuals And Multimedia

One of the most significant mistakes made with press releases is not giving visuals and multimedia the same consideration as the copy. A unique, striking image or video commands attention and begs to be published. But many corporate releases rely on stock imagery or bland visuals that don’t resonate with target audiences. So take advantage of that failing and don’t be afraid to stand apart from the crowd. - Chris Martin, FlexMR

10. Failing To Deliver The Right News Hook

As a former seasoned journalist turned global agency leader, I saw thousands of terrible press releases cross my inbox. A big mistake is failing to deliver the right news hook that is compelling enough for a journalist to see the release as newsworthy and publish it. In the B2B tech space, dull, overly promotional press releases filled with technical jargon are the ultimate mistake. - Azadeh Williams, AZK Media

11. Not Treating Press Releases Like Any Other Marketing Content

A common mistake is not treating a press release like any other piece of marketing content. Just banking on the distribution platform to spread your news far and wide is going to limit its effectiveness and reach. You should put a social, email and site distribution strategy in place to push your announcement as far as you can. Don’t expect anyone to find it. You need to show it to them. - Bernard May, National Positions

12. Attempting To Cover Multiple Messages At Once

Press releases can be powerful if used as a part of the cohesive communication strategy of an organization. The main press release objective is to deliver a single, concise message with no room for various interpretations. What makes a press release a failure is an attempt to cover multiple messages at once. - Oksana Matviichuk, Performics

13. Failing To Start With The Purpose Of The Communication

The biggest mistake companies make with press releases—and in fact, with almost all content—is failing to start with the purpose of the communication. Is it to drive awareness, cultivate interest or create perceptions of momentum or social good? Once you are clear on your purpose, you can determine your communications vehicle and content. - Robert Finlayson, Bold Marketing and Communications

14. Thinking Of Press Releases As Marketing Or Sales Opportunities

The biggest misconception that companies have about press releases is thinking of them as a marketing or sales opportunity. Instead, they should be used to communicate your company’s next strategic goals. When done well, they tell your target audience the narrative of where you are going next with your business and are a highly strategic tool. - Arleigh Vasconcellos, The Agency

15. Not Putting The Critical Information In The First Paragraph

One big mistake companies often make with press releases is not putting the critical information in the first paragraph. I read a lot of press releases that are way too long, and I end up not finishing the article and leaving without the key information. The test of success is whether the press release is understood entirely just by reading the first paragraph. - Jett Collins, Salty’s Media

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