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How To Use Timeboxing To Achieve Hyper Productivity

Forbes Coaches Council

Senior Vice President of Coaching at CoachHub.

If you're looking for a way to improve your productivity, timeboxing may be the answer. Timeboxing is a technique that involves allocating a specific amount of time to complete a task. This can help you stay focused and avoid getting bogged down in projects.

What is timeboxing?

Timeboxing is a time management strategy where you purposefully designate specific blocks of time each day to items on your to-do list, rather than having a list of tasks to complete with only a vague idea of how much time each will take and when the work will get done. This method can be helpful when you need to stay focused and avoid getting bogged down in projects.

How can timeboxing improve productivity?

There are several ways timeboxing can help supercharge your productivity. First, it can help you better estimate how long tasks will take to complete. This is important because it can help you allocate your time more effectively and avoid overestimating or underestimating the time needed for tasks.

Second, timeboxing can help keep you focused on the task at hand. By allocating a specific amount of time to complete a task, you're less likely to get sidetracked or distracted. Setting a timer during each block of time can help you quiet distractions and give you a structured break to look forward to.

Finally, timeboxing can help you avoid burnout. If you know you only have a set amount of time to complete a task, you're less likely to spend hours working on it and more likely to take breaks as needed. Not just that, but timeboxing can help you communicate transparently to your team what you'll be working on and your priorities throughout the week so you don’t end up with more on your plate than you reasonably have time for.

What should you keep in mind when getting started with timeboxing?

If you're new to timeboxing, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Be realistic about how much time you need to complete tasks. It's important to allocate enough time so that you can complete the task without feeling rushed, but not so much time that you end up with unused time.
  • Start small. Don't try to timebox your entire week all at once. Start with smaller tasks and work your way up.
  • Be flexible. Timeboxing is meant to be a flexible technique that you can adjust as needed. If you find that you're constantly going over or under the time you've allocated, make adjustments accordingly.

What are some common timeboxing mistakes?

There are a few common timeboxing mistakes that people make. The biggest obstacle is accurately estimating your time. One of the most common pitfalls is that people allocate too much time for each task. This can lead to unused time and can make it difficult to stay focused. Alternatively, they don't allow enough time for each task. This can lead to feeling rushed and can result in incomplete tasks. In the beginning, pay close attention to how much time you’re truly spending on each task. This can help you adjust moving forward.

Finally, people who are new to timeboxing are commonly inflexible when they get started. Timeboxing is meant to work for you, not be a restraint. Don't be afraid to adjust your plans.

If you have a coach, you can use them as a resource to help integrate the habit of timeboxing into your approach to getting work done. They will not only help you understand your timeboxing goals and objectives but can help you do the most important thing of all: get started.

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