Minda Harts is a workplace and equity consultant. She is also the bestselling and award-winning author of TheMemo, Right Within, and You Are More Than Magic. Minda is a highly sought-after speaker for companies such as Liberty Mutual, Nike, Google, and Salesforce. In 2020, she was named the Top Voice for Equity in the Workplace by LinkedIn. Harts hosts a live weekly podcast called Secure The Seat. Minda Harts talks with Forbes about her passion for equity in the workplace and her career path.

Goldie Chan: Hello Minda, thanks for joining us today. What has your career path been?

Minda Harts: I spent 15 years in corporate and non profit roles as a philanthropic consultant. In 2015, I started my side hustle of career boot camps and a weekly newsletter discussing topics that reflect the experiences of women of color in the workplace. And in 2019, I became a full-time entrepreneur and author.

Chan: Out of the books that you’ve worked on, which has been your favorite and why?

Harts: I would say my second book Right Within: How To Heal From Racial Trauma In The Workplace. Many of us have experienced workplace experiences that might be traumatic. And normally we just sweep them under the rug. Right Within was inspired by Lauryn Hills’ famous line, “How you gonna win, if you ain’t Right Within.” We can’t control what promotions we might not receive or if someone discriminates against us in the workplace, but we can control how we see ourselves and if we are going to allow those experiences to break our soul. Essentially, I am writing about mental health and wellness and that is extremely important.

Chan: What is an inspiring story that has resonated with you?

Harts: I am drawn to stories that reshape humanity. When people see injustice and they decide they want to leave a space better than they found it. It takes courage to activate change. I am inspired by people who take the leap and do the real work.

Chan: How would you describe your personal brand?

Harts: I would describe my personal brand as approachable and down to earth. I like for people to feel like we are sitting in my living room on a Friday night and eating snacks. I know that might sound weird to say, but I think I bring a certain vibe that makes folks feel seen and relaxed.

Chan: What are you currently working on?

Harts: I started my production company called, Queen of Harts Productions and I have been working on bringing my books and stories to life in various mediums. During Women’s History Month and Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, me and my writing partner Tyler Young worked with a diverse group of actresses to bring The Memo Monologues to the audio platform Twitter Spaces. Our audio play has really inspired a new group of people who might not read some of my work.

Chan: What is a book that you recommend to others and why?

Harts: Warmth of The Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson. It talks about the experiences of African-Americans in the United States. I believe origin stories are so important and knowing our history helps us not repeat the ugly parts.

Chan: How does your own personal story inspire your speaking or books?

Harts: A little over four years ago, I was working for a company and I was miserable. I had always worked in environments where I was the only Black woman or one of few women of color and the isolation can be suffocating. I decided to create resources geared towards women of color in the workplace and write career books that center our experiences.

By taking a chance on myself and reminding other women of color who might feel similarly, that your career matters and you have a voice–use it. I was able to publish my first best-selling book via Seal Press/Hachette Books called, The Memo: What Women of Color Need To Know To Secure A Seat At The Table and my second which is currently available called Right Within: How To Heal From Racial Trauma In The Workplace. I hope my story will inspire others to take a risk that centers your mental health.

Chan: What do you do to uplift others in your community?

Harts: I host a live podcast called Secure The Seat and I bring people together in community to discuss topics that affect Women of Color in the workplace. I also find guests who are doing amazing things and working on important ways to improve the workplace and invite them on the show. Our success is not a solo sport. I also created a scholarship for women of color college students to help them continue with their education when they are experiencing financial hardship.

Chan: Any last branding or career advice for this year?

Harts: “Don’t be ambivalent about your career, own it!”