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Stemming The Flow: How To Keep Women In Finance

Updated Oct 14, 2022, 11:20am EDT

According to Deloitte’s Women @ Work 2022: A Global Outlook report, the number one reason women recently left their jobs was a lack of advancement opportunities. This trend is borne out when you look at the number of high-level roles occupied by women within financial services institutions (FSIs): as of 2021, women held just 5% of CEO positions, 19% of C-suite roles, and 21% of board seats.

Our recently published Advancing more women leaders in financial services: a global report, part of Deloitte’s Within reach series addressing gender equity, found that although FSIs have improved over the past decades when it comes to gender equity, more needs to be done. In the report, Deloitte assesses the status of gender diversity in FSIs around the globe—identifying lessons learned that can help these organizations advance equity, drawing on stakeholders and actions from both inside and outside their organizations.

Gender equity and the spheres of influence

FSIs cannot operate in a vacuum when it comes to gender equity. To truly advance equality, FSIs need to understand how the various “spheres of influence”—the workforce, the marketplace, and society—challenge and bolster their organization in its pursuit of gender equity goals.

  • Workforce: An encouraging finding of the Advancing more women study is that, across all geographies, women who experience a truly respectful and inclusive workplace culture are more engaged, productive, and loyal to their organizations. FSIs that implement policies that support inclusivity are most likely to foster this culture. Some notable examples of this can be found in Hong Kong. Recognizing that supporting women’s advancement can be a competitive advantage, FSIs in Hong Kong are offering solutions such as flexible working hours, technology-enabled remote work, and mentoring and sponsorship programs. Similarly, in South Africa, some FSIs have set internal gender diversity targets and have linked them to executive pay.
  • Marketplace: External FSI stakeholders—such as suppliers, alliance partners, and investors—are increasingly focused on how organizations are working to improve women’s representation on boards and in executive leadership. These stakeholders are looking for transparency as well as holding organizations accountable for gender equity outcomes. In a recent study of institutional investors, more than 70% of respondents considered a company’s diversity metrics, with 69% reporting that diversity within a company’s board impacted their trust. Around the globe, the marketplace is exerting its influence on gender equity. In Japan, where gender diversity is still nascent, organizations are under pressure to improve—with companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange now required to publish their diversity policies and goals. In addition, many of Australia’s leading employers are including their clients, suppliers, industry associates, and even competitors in their gender equity efforts.
  • Society: With equity becoming an increasing concern among the general population, public policy is playing a greater role in shaping diversity efforts in the private sector. In some countries—such as France and the Netherlands—legislative actions have had a direct impact on the number of women in leadership roles. But public policy doesn’t always have to mean quotas. Organizations should work with the public sector to prioritize and advance gender equity by developing programs and initiatives that support private sector efforts. For example, in Singapore and other countries in Asia, the government is working to enable gender equity via such actions as low-cost childcare and government subsidies for childcare. In Canada, the government is supporting gender equity by requiring transparency from companies, including publicizing the number and percentage of women on boards and in executive positions.

Taking action

So what can FSIs do to improve gender equality? Based on lesson learned from around the world and various spheres of influence, FSIs should consider:

  • Addressing persistent challenges such as childcare needs and remote work options—both amplified during the pandemic;
  • Ensuring FSI leaders offer continued support through sponsorship, mentorship, and allyship programs for women at all levels; and
  • Evaluating and refining succession-planning and promotion practices to ensure each open position is pulling from a diverse slate of candidates. This can help build a diverse pipeline of future leaders.

There are regions and countries around the world that have made some good strides in terms of gender equity. For example, in the UK banking sector, the proportion of women CEOs rose to 9.7% in 2020 from just 1.7% in 2001. While that’s great news, taken as a whole, many countries remain far from the 30% threshold most often considered the tipping point for driving real change across an organization.

In reality, it’s a virtuous cycle: the more women there are in leadership positions, the more there will be going forward. According to Deloitte’s research, it’s been shown that for each woman added to the C-suite, the number of women added to senior leadership roles increases two- to even five-fold. But this can only happen when FSIs continue to build on recent success and partake in the lessons learned.

To learn more about women in finance and gender equality, please see the Deloitte reports, Advancing more women leaders in financial services: a global report and Women @ Work 2022: A Global Outlook as well as our series, Within reach.