4 Questions in 4 Days That Strengthen Teams and Elevate Performance – Pt. 2

The tyranny of the urgent sucks the life out of your best self. You get lost in results. People are tools. Relationships become burdens.


Today’s question: How do you want to show up today?

If you forget about pressure, stress, falling short, disappointments, fear, or external expectations, how do YOU choose to show up?

“Don’t wants” are easier than “Do wants”.

When you ask someone what they want, they tell you what they don’t want.

Perhaps you don’t want to show up …

  1. Weak.
  2. Confused.
  3. Uncertain.
  4. Closed.
  5. Isolated.
  6. Negative.
  7. Fearful.
  8. Angry.
  9. Worried.
  10. Distracted.

Your best self lurks behind the self you don’t want. 

Suppose you don’t want to be confused and uncertain. Choose to show up curious or forward-facing. Distracted translates to present. Negative might be solution oriented.

Intention to behavior:

Behavior brings intention to life. 

Imagine your best self at work. What are you actually doing or saying? Imagination is the beginning. If you can’t imagine it, you can’t do it.

Imagine your best self is present, not distracted. When someone approaches, what might you do? Smile. Look them in the eye. Put your cell phone in your pocket.


You go further when you have a “with”. Tell trusted colleagues how you plan to show up today.

Declarations establish accountability, add fun, and strengthen resolve.

I’m showing up hopeful. For me, hopeful is being in charge of myself. It includes keeping my head up and my shoulders back. It’s humbling to declare it. Several friends know my intention. We’ll discuss what I’m learning.

One thing:

Choose one way to show up and practice it all day. Options include:

  1. Vibrant.
  2. Curious.
  3. Present.
  4. Optimistic.
  5. Accountable.
  6. Tough.
  7. Transparent.

How do you want to show up today?

What behaviors express your intention?

Other posts in the “4 Questions” series:

Part 1: What small wins might you celebrate today?

Part 3: What decision do you/we need to make?

Part 4: What would you like to do a little more of next week?