Quick Tips to Stay on Top of New Year’s Resolutions

At the start of the new year, millions of people resolve to better themselves, become more marketable in their field, and finally achieve goals they’ve been putting on hold for years. But just because they’ve decided what they want to do or be in the new year, doesn’t mean the end goal will be easy to reach. In fact, a University of Scranton study found that only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolutions. The 92% fail rate may discourage some people from even making goals, but we at Refresh Leadership want to ensure you not only meet your goals in 2023, but you also excel in your professional resolutions. Consider these quick tips to ensure you stay on track to meet your New Year’s resolutions.

Use S.M.A.R.T. techniques.

The most important method of ensuring resolutions stick is using the S.M.A.R.T. goal-making template. A S.M.A.R.T. goal is one that is “Specific,” “Measurable,” “Attainable,” “Realistic,” and “Timely.”  For your New Year’s resolutions, use specific language and clearly define your goal. Be sure to have measurable aspects of the goal to track your progress. One problem people create regarding resolutions is setting a goal that is unattainable. If it is realistic that you can attain success, then most likely it’s a good resolution. And finally, be sure to create a timetable for the goal. It needs to have a specific due date.

Make the resolution for yourself, not others.

One problem many have regarding career advancement and personal growth is that they measure themselves against others’ successes. If you’re always looking at someone else’s career, you’ll never truly be able to focus on your own career. Your resolutions should be based on your personal goals, not what you feel others expect from you. Also, instead of competing with others, compete with your past. If your resolution is to be a better leader, then look at where you’ve been, where you want to be, and make specific benchmarks to achieve that goal. Consider what Ernest Hemingway once said: “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

Enlist a friend for moral support.

Sometimes the hardest aspect of achieving goals is trying to do it on your own. You can always find reasons to not do something, avoid staying late to work on a project, or skip that career-development book. So to avoid short-lived resolutions, ask a friend, co-worker, or mentor to keep you accountable to ensure you stay focused on achieving your goals. When deciding who to enlist for moral support, consider someone who has the same career goals as you and has a vested interest in you achieving them. Moral support can easily turn into two people holding each other back, so choose wisely.

Being goal-oriented is imperative to achieve your career aspirations and be the leader you need to be for those around you. By taking these quick tips to heart when pursing your 2023 personal goals, you give yourself a better chance of being the 8% who will achieve their New Year’s resolutions.

What do you do to ensure you are successful in your goal setting? What are some ways you stay motivated throughout the year and help make your resolutions stick? Let us know in the comments section below!




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