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Mindset Matters: GAMUT Management, A Game Changer In The Adaptive Space

Updated Jul 26, 2022, 03:24pm EDT

This is a story forged out of the cauldron of perseverance and necessity. GAMUT Management (GAMUT) was born through a labor of love that began with its Founder and CEO Mindy Scheier, a fashion designer by trade who saw her son born with Muscular Dystrophy trying to find clothing to adapt to his needs. Recognizing that the need went far beyond her child, she set out on a journey to revolutionize the fashion industry and highlight the beauty, value, and economic opportunities of the world’s largest minority. From her initial work launching and growing the Runway of Dreams Foundation, her vision developed, and GAMUT Management emerged.

Since its inception, GAMUT Management has become the premier consulting and talent management company workingwith and for people with disabilities (PWDs). GAMUT is continuing to position itself as a trailblazer in this arena by partnering with companies from the likes of Kohl’s, Victoria’s Secret, and LVMH among many others to find a greater level of authenticity to engage with and create products for those with disabilities. Also serving as a talent management company, GAMUT has the expertise to engage in properly casting, managing, and developing talent for persons with disabilities exclusively.

Today highlights the 32nd anniversary of the signing of The Americans with Disabilities Act. Due to this momentous occasion, GAMUT felt compelled to announce a tool that has been in development for the past several years that is set to redefine the landscape of the Adaptive market and build a level of trust that is central to its long-term growth. The GAMUT Seal of Approval™ is the next evolution in codifying how to truly define what it means for a product to be called Adaptive. The GAMUT Seal provides a mark to signify a level of authenticity and inclusion throughout the entire process from the product's design, development, and marketing aspect to signify it as a truly Adaptive product that meets the needs of persons with disabilities in the marketplace. The GAMUT Seal was created to reassure consumers that a rigorous set of requirements developed by experts in the disability space has been met. Throughout their work GAMUT has continually heard feedback from members of the community of People with Disabilities questioning the authenticity of brands entering the Adaptive market. It is time for companies to have a true metric to measure whether they meet the community's standards and ultimately create a level of brand loyalty that is essential for those wanting to compete in the space.

With the Adaptive apparel market currently valued at over $400 billion, brands must begin to think about this vertical seriously. To have a set of criteria and a process where companies can apply to have their products evaluated and approved is a game changer. It communicates a level of quality and commitment to the larger disability community that companies recognize the value and need for inclusive merchandise. As the Disability Economy continues to grow, the GAMUT Seal of Approval™ will become a benchmark that all companies entering this space should aspire towards.

While the announcement of the Seal is today in combination with the anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the first product to officially receive the Seal will be an adaptive backpack from adidas Accessories at the end of this calendar year. This serves as a tipping point illustrating that the leadership of adidas Accessories recognizes the enormity of this market opportunity and the need to get it right. The power of the Seal provides a next-level approach to legitimize companies’ ability to engage in the Adaptive space and highlight the Disability Economy as a true value add.

For those who read this column regularly, you know that much of the writing often comes from a position of observation. However, in this case, I am writing from the perspective of the participant observer. As a person with a lived experience of disability, I have vivid memories of my mother taking me shopping for pants, shirts, and the most dreaded experience of all, shoes. It was never pleasurable; I remember trying to find things that were easy to button or close with one hand or getting shoes that fit my orthotics’. To be honest, it was an utter disaster, and I often felt completely deflated after one of these outings. Even today, it’s still a bit of a hassle to find the right clothing and accessories to fit my needs both personally and professionally. From my vantage point, while the GAMUT Seal of Approval™ provides both a greater level of authenticity and trust, it provides something more, a level of accountability that is fundamental. The impact of adaptive products goes far beyond aesthetics, it is a message to society that we, the disability community belong. We can be an active, vibrant part of everyday life and feel a sense of pride in who we are. GAMUT Management is a change agent that is helping to redefine the very cultural landscape we live in today and envision the possibility of what can be.

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