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14 Tips To Ensure Freelancers Understand An Agency’s Goals

Forbes Agency Council

Many agencies rely on freelance help to complete client work faster and for less money than it would cost to hire in-house talent. From large campaigns with many moving parts to one-off, last-minute projects, freelance talent can help pick up the slack in many areas. But getting everyone on the same page when people outside the agency are working on a project is often easier said than done.

Whether an agency is temporarily understaffed or wants to bring contractors in to work with its internal teams on a consistent basis, it’s critical for agency leaders to ensure all parties understand timelines, deliverables and other expectations. Below, members of Forbes Agency Council share their best tips for making sure freelancers understand the goals of the agency and the specifics of the projects they’ve been assigned.

1. Take A Two-Pronged Approach

First, lay out in writing the exact project requirements—including expectations, deadlines, resources, spokespersons and outlines—and provide any other documents or background info they might need. Second, schedule a quick phone call where they can ask questions and clarify the assignment. This two-pronged approach goes a long way toward ensuring goals and deadlines are met and both sides are happy. - Valerie Chan, Plat4orm PR

2. Treat Freelancers Like Teammates

The key to building strong bonds with freelancers is to treat them as if they are already on your team. Include them in project meetings up front. Have a written scope of work that details the assignment, the deadlines and who the rest of the team members are. Make room in the schedule for edits, rewrites and so forth. In essence, make everyone in the process accountable—not just the freelancer. - Leeza Hoyt, The Hoyt Organization, Inc.

3. Have Clarity

Have a statement of work written for your freelancers. Be up front with your expectations. I urge agencies to have a trial period, as much of this industry is sink or swim; if freelancers don’t comply or fit in with your team’s work ethic, you can have that conversation. - Jessica Kopach, The JKO Agency

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4. Create A Starter Pack And A Clear Brief

Create a starter pack and a clear brief for contractors. A company culture should not only be for permanent employees. Everyone who comes through the door should be up to date on the goals, processes and vision of the agency. I advise agencies to create a clear onboarding plan for contractors that brings them up to speed on the vision you are working toward as a team. - Anastasia Cecchetto, Ace Influencers

5. Properly Define And Explain Tasks

Provide a detailed brief or a task that has been properly defined and explained by the manager responsible for the project. Freelancers and contractors are just as interested in getting the best result as hired employees, so ensuring they are on the same page with management is extremely important. Setting clear goals and expectations for the project guarantees better communication throughout. - Nataliya Andreychuk, Viseven

6. Provide Sufficient History And Context

One of the biggest misses with freelancers and contractors is throwing them in without proper context and briefing. Because we want to move so quickly at times and are hiring experts, we do not give these experts the right information and context for them to be successful. Spend the time briefing them and talking with them about the history and context before asking them to produce something. - Mark Skroch, BCV Social

7. Don’t Leave Too Much To Their Imagination

You hired them because you trust their skills and their judgment, but you shouldn’t leave too much to their imagination. You need to bring freelancers and contractors a clearly articulated vision of the project and arm them with the assets and information they will need up front. If you’re constantly fielding clarifications or requesting revisions, you’ve lost the value of outsourcing that work. - Tellef Lundevall, Accelerated Digital Media

8. Start With A Creative Brief

Whether it’s in writing or shared in a meeting, all teams should be briefed on the project goals, objectives, milestones, deadlines and any creative aspects. Next, teamwork and communication come into play. A team stays in sync with open communication throughout a project. Finally, workstream tools are key for project transparency, efficiency and milestone checks. - Monica Alvarez-Mitchell, Pulse Creative, LLC

9. Share Key Information About Your Agency

Instead of simply sharing the details of an assignment, share key information about your agency (and client, if necessary). Think mission statement, company history and so on. Ask the freelancer or contractor to review this information and sign to confirm they’ve read it. Then, set up a call to answer any questions they have and ask some of your own for reassurance that they’re up to speed and on board. - Bernard May, National Positions

10. Loop Freelancers In On The Process

Loop freelancers in on the process and provide as much context as possible. Make sure your creative brief clearly expresses the target audience’s mindset, the purpose of the campaign or project, the messaging, the tactics and the placements. Have your account team spend time setting your freelancers up for success. Don’t view them as expendable resources, but rather as equal members of your team. - Mary Ann O’Brien, OBI Creative

11. Provide A Base Framework And Details

I ensure all contractors have the agency’s backstory and reason for being. This helps them understand what makes us tick and appreciate our unique approach. It’s also important to give freelancers more detail for each assignment rather than less. Providing this base framework and giving as much detail as possible will reduce the time they need to get their head around the assignment. - April White, Trust Relations

12. Integrate And Interact Initially

Besides the documented brief and client study, get on a one-on-one call to explain the vision and goals of your business. Make freelancers aware of your unique value propositions and discuss what you expect from them in their roles. Let them ask questions and give them all the information and training they seek. You’ll be amazed to see the wonders of two-way verbal communication. - Ajay Prasad, GMR Web Team

13. Communicate Clearly And Concisely

Have clear and concise communication in place. You want to make sure everyone has a clear understanding of what their role is and what they’re trying to accomplish. It’s also important to make sure you’re all on the same page about timelines, deadlines and expectations. Ensure everyone involved understands what they can expect from one another, as well as when they can expect it. - Rudy Mawer, Mawer Capital LLC

14. Make A Branding Guide

One of the best things that you can do is make a branding guide. This will allow freelancers to look at all of your agency’s standards and missions and ensure that they are aligned to what you are doing. This is a great way for everyone to get on board and be a part of the brand. - Jon James, Ignited Results

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