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College Trip: Here's What To Ask On A College Tour

Civic Nation

You probably won’t forget the first time you step onto a college campus. Whether you’re helping your older sibling move into their dorm or you’re visiting while on a group field trip during senior year of high school. You may not remember every building or professor, but you won’t forget the feeling of possibility when you picture yourself as a student there.

We understand all of that, and really, the questions that feel overwhelming and exciting are actually one of the most empowering parts of the college application process. We know firsthand, so we co-authored this piece to share with you what we know firsthand as students and as college access professionals. Before joining the Reach Higher team, Jameia Tennie was the director of undergraduate admissions at a large university. And Amani Manning chose his college after going on a class field trip to the campus. That was his one and only campus tour, and preparing just a little more for it would have been super helpful.

We know that this process is tough and sometimes grueling, so we hope that these questions can help you feel a little more confident and prepared when you go on a college visit. Before we go any further, know that going on a virtual tour of a college campus and calling with your questions is extremely valuable! We recommend it 100%. You may not be able to get to campus in person for lots of reasons, and all of them are ok. Call the admissions office to talk to a counselor there. You’re not bothering them; in fact, it’s their job to answer your questions and to guide you. You can even take virtual tours of many colleges right on Common App. Go to the Explore Colleges page to get started. YouTube and other social media are also good options for official campus videos and student-generated content. Also, ask all of the questions you have (every. single. one). And ask multiple people on campus. Don’t save them only for the tour guides leading the college visit. It is normal to ask anyone around you a question. And most people will be really happy to answer them (and they’ll be honest with you, too). So let’s go.

Question #1: How do I pick a major?

I wish I had asked my college tour guide how they picked their major. I changed a lot throughout my college experience, and with that came new interests and ultimately, a new major. It is okay to ask if the college has any special programs for students exploring different majors like NC State does! As a follow-up, ask about the process of changing a major. You can also ask about internships and job placement opportunities in the field as well. Choosing something new to study is part of the college experience, and it is very normal.

Question #2: How did you find your people on campus?

What opportunities exist to build community here? Having a supportive community is essential to success, especially in a new environment. (Check out Better Make Room’s post about ways to make your future college campus feel like home.) Colleges and universities have an abundance of staff, resources, and extracurricular activities. It is okay to ask about demographic information as well. As we live in an ever-changing world, it is important that you feel safe, valued, and supported as a community member.

Question #3: How do I understand the new jargon?

A new environment comes with a new language, and college is no different. Syllabus? Office hours? Bursar? If you don’t know a term, run a quick Google search on your phone. But, again, ask the folks you meet during your visit or that you see online for their title and how their job fits into the overall structure of the college. It will be extremely helpful knowing who’s who in the room with you. If you still need some clarity, ask your tour guide to be more specific and give some examples of a term or title you don’t recognize. Remember, like bell hooks said, “definitions are vital starting points for the imagination. What we cannot imagine cannot come into being.”

Question #4: How much does all of this cost, and how can I pay for it?

Warning: There are hidden costs, and things start to add up fast. So don't forget to ask about the money. We promise that everyone on your tour is thinking about it, too. For many people, this is your first major purchase. Don't be nervous to ask about costs, financial aid options, or anything related to finances. It's important to go beyond the cost of attendance, so make sure to have those conversations. It's important to go beyond the sticker prices, aka the cost of tuition you see in the brochure. This will be vital when you make decisions about where to attend. A perfect time to ask about costs is on the campus tour. Be specific! Ask about the cost of attendance, any hidden costs, fees, room and board, and even transportation. But also ask about financial aid, grants, scholarships, and paid internship opportunities. There may be more money available to help you than you think. And if you’re shy about asking in front of a room of strangers, pull someone aside at the end when you have a little more privacy.

Whether you are exploring colleges in person or virtually, don't be afraid to ask the questions that you feel will aid you in making this important decision for your future. And if you’re not sure what to ask or who to ask, your Reach Higher family is here with you all the way! Follow Reach Higher on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook & Better Make Room on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Ask us your questions!