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Why There’s Nothing “Micro” About Microaggressions

Forbes EQ

Written by Deonna Smith, EdD, Education Specialist, Historicons

You’ve heard the term, but what exactly is a “microaggression”? To formally define it, a microaggression is a comment or action that subtly expresses a bias or prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group. Microaggressions are often unconscious or unintentional and commonplace in everyday conversation.

So what makes it “micro”? Often we focus on the fact that microaggressions are unintentional, unconscious, or subtle, but that doesn’t make them any less harmful.

Microaggressions might seem small, but they have a major impact on workplace culture. Microaggressions negatively impact job satisfaction and feelings of belonging and increase burnout. The emotional load of dealing with daily microaggression weighs heavily on employees. Some have even suggested that microaggressions are yet another reason why employees are dreading the end of “work from home”.

What do microaggressions sound like?

Is that your real hair?

When are you going to have children?!

Where are you really from?

You’re so articulate!

These comments might seem innocuous enough, but let’s look closer.

Maybe you’re just making conversation or trying to connect to your coworkers, but we have to see our comments in the broader context. Asking someone “where they’re really from” might seem like friendly small-talk, but in the broader context—where immigrants are often vilified or “othered” in the media—these comments aren’t so friendly. You might be assuming based on how someone looks, that they couldn’t possibly be from the same place as you.

Maybe you’re asking your female co-worker when they’ll have children just to fill some time before the next meeting. What you might be missing are the broader societal messages that women experience about how, when, and under what terms they do or do not have children. And the broader societal message that women so often receive (regardless of if they want children or not): is that their primary role is to have children.

Maybe it’s completely unintentional. Perhaps your coworker is at an intersection of identity that is less visible than gender or race- like sexual orientation or religion. You might make a comment and not even realize you are targeting someone. Or being shocked that your coworker is gay because you “they don’t act gay” or launching into dozens of questions about Islam with your Muslim colleague might seem like small talk, or even a compliment. But while most people are proud of their identities, solely focusing on just one aspect of their experience is harmfully reductionist.

Personally, I’ve had no shortage of colleagues or employers comment on how “articulate” or well-spoken I am. I don’t have anything against the compliment, and I accept it graciously. But I can’t help but wonder if the over-saturation of negative representations of Black women in the media has something to do with why I seem so articulate by comparison.

Microaggressions are not as flagrant and clear as open sexism, racism, or homophobia, but they add up over time. What can be even more frustrating is that when microaggressions are called out in the workplace, they’re met with frustration, denial, or defensiveness.

When I talk about microaggressions, I usually hear something like this next:

“So we just can’t say anything?!”

Why is it so hard for us to hold ourselves accountable for our microaggressive behaviors? It might be the fact that microaggressions are often unintentional or rooted in implicit bias rather than apparent prejudice.

Remember, being mindful of how you interact with others doesn’t mean the end of small talk and conversation in the workplace. In fact, being mindful of microaggressions leads to an even more vibrant workspace culture because members of the community won’t feel uncomfortable.

Here are some things that we can all do to reduce microaggressions.

Start by Unpacking Your Implicit Bias

Most of us think about implicit bias once a year during our annual HR training, but stopping microaggressions takes more than that. Because microaggressive statements are so deeply ingrained in our culture, we need to actively seek to untangle them from our everyday conversation. You can start by reading and learning more about implicit or unconscious bias. Awareness is the first step. Check out this article or this reading list.

Accept That You Might Mess Up

The worst thing you can do is throw your hands up and shut down. Being called out for saying something microaggressive doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily a racist or a bad person. We are all learning and growing. It’s important to see these moments as learning opportunities. Clarify your intention, apologize, and commit to doing better.

Hold Others Accountable with Care

Many times when someone says something microaggressive to me, there is an audience. Sometimes the people around me don’t notice the statements. Other times they do. Maybe they’ll be a few awkward chuckles or a subject change. Very rarely is the statement addressed head-on. Perhaps you may think- it’s rude to accuse someone of being microaggressive in front of others. Consider this: choosing not to address the microaggressive statement is rude and dehumanizing to the receiver of the comments. When you speak up in the moment, you’re showing that you care enough for your colleagues to ensure that they are treated with respect. You’re also showing the person who makes the comment that you care enough about them to help them grow.

It can be uncomfortable and difficult to know what to say. You can start with something like, “I’m sure it’s not your intention, but that comment sounds microaggressive”. It might feel awkward at first, but creating a healthy and respectful culture is a collective responsibility.

Learn About Other Stories and Experiences

Learning more about other cultures and experiences won’t just reduce the likelihood that you’ll say something microaggressive, it’ll enhance your overall life! It’s all too easy to stay within the confines of your own experience. Unfortunately, many children are not as exposed to other cultures and stories. As adults, we can curate diverse environments and experiences for ourselves and our families. We can travel and experience new cultures as a way of learning more about people who are different from us. But you don’t have to book a flight to broaden your horizons. Start by reading and listening to different ideas and perspectives in your daily life. The more you understand others, the more empathy and awareness you’ll have about how your words and actions impact those around you.

Remember, no one expects you to be perfect. Your colleagues aren’t planting “gotcha” moments, waiting for you to say something offensive. Despite our best intentions, these things happen. Even if you do become an expert in implicit bias, you still won’t be perfect. What's most important is that you actively and authentically engage in getting better.

What Can Employers Do?

As individuals, we all are responsible for being good colleagues, but our companies or organizations play a critical role as well. They have a vested interest in ensuring that all employees feel safe and comfortable at work. Employers must do more than just talk about reducing microaggressions, they need to take action. Employers should invest in workshops and training that specifically address microaggressions. HR policies should also be reviewed to ensure they clearly protect employees who have been the target of microaggressions. When the employer leads the way and sends a clear message that an inclusive workplace is a priority, employees are more likely to invest in the work as well.

These strategies for inclusion can be applied at all stages of life, and there are resources available to you. You can start at a young age by opening kids up to the diversity in the world around us through interactive play, which is our mission at Historicons.

I’ve made it a pillar of my own consulting services, Deonna Smith Consulting, to aid workplaces from classrooms to executive boardrooms to create a more inclusive work environment. There’s nothing “micro” about microaggressions, but small, consistent shifts can make a major impact.

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