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Introducing Forbes Daily

We heard you.

You may have noticed the recent changes to Forbes' Daily Dozen newsletter. Its new name is Forbes Daily. And along with a sleeker title, Forbes Daily comes with a fresh and lively format, new categories of featured content and eye-catching graphics, all driven by feedback from readers like you.

After 950 editions landed in our readers' inboxes since 2019, the Daily Dozen became our most popular newsletter. The key to our success was our unique range of news curation and authoritative business, finance and technology coverage.

But our latest audience research from the summer of 2022 revealed an appetite for more—specifically, deeper dives into Forbes' best headlines from the day. That's in line with what we’re thinking and why the Forbes Daily is a four-to-six-minute read with new topic-based sections, allowing you to zero in on your interests and passions, quickly learn about a new subject and skim the rest.

That means cut-to-the-chase sections, including "Money + Politics;" "Tech + Innovation;"; "Wealth + Entrepreneurship;" "Lifestyle;" and more. We're also preserving your tried-and-true favorites, like breaking news and service journalism to provide you with strategies for career success.

The key to our success is building a stronger relationship with you. That means you'll find a more original and personal tone and feel and more engaging experiences, such as our daily Quiz and Facts and Comments section, highlighting the most attention-grabbing stats, figures and quotes of the day. And we'll be in touch with you on Twitter and other socials.

We’re excited to share Forbes Daily with you. We invite you to sign-up here, and see you in your inbox every weekday morning.