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3 Ways To Vibe Check Yourself On The Morning Commute


We all have moments when we feel like we can’t take one more hot second of the hassle and hustle that surrounds us in the workplace. As a reformed higher education technology leader now in the startup space, stress sure packs a punch. That said, it feels like all senses are heightened, including deep satisfaction and moments of unhinged thankfulness.

Many startups focus on solving bigger-than-any-of-us world problems and waffle between significant accomplishment and general frustration.

And yet we persist.

There is no magic elixir for the down moments, simply three little words - get yourself together. And the getting together of oneself is hardly one-size-fits-all.

Each of us needs to dig deep and identify those pivotal actions or behaviors that push us from behind with a force that keeps us going until the next amazing moment of huge accomplishment.

Here are my moments. I recommend you find yours.

Morning routine, reflection

Every morning needs a brake-pump to share gratitude. What are you grateful for?

In addition, it doesn’t hurt to look up and ask the ether to help you through whatever the new day might bring. Please help me show patience and strength in the face off whatever crosses my path today. Keep me positive, empowering, supportive even in moments where I may feel helpless and overwhelmed. Help me get through this day.

It might seem silly to ask the world, but it puts your preferred attitude out there, allowing the sentiment to resonate on repeat throughout the day.

Rally internal energy

Fake it ‘til you make it? What gets you pumped up on your morning drive or the trek to an important meeting? Whatever it is, these actions should be entirely unique to you. They might be off-brand and surprising to others, however only you know what can get that energy and positivity up when you may be on the cusp of feeling down.

My favorite? Metallica. That’s right. What might be shocking to many is well-known by my closest. The energy, double-bass and speed of Metallica drives me to a fired up, ready for the world believe-it-or-not professional attitude that oftentimes keeps me going throughout a whole day.

Sure I may be a middle-aged woman who lives in a gated country club, but in the solitude of my car on the commute in to the office, there's only me and Metallica. And they push the ‘let’s goooooo’ that I need to fuel my day.

Hype yourself

The times will come when, to move forward with grace and patience, you will need to be your own hype person. When insecurity or frustration slips in, a little intentional self-love for all to see makes a difference. Self-serving? Yes. Slightly braggy? Sure. A powerful strength-gathering moment? Heck yes.

What might this look like? Blog, get your inside feelings out, agree to serve as a panelist at a conference, sign up to be an expert in your area with the local news - do whatever it takes to make yourself feel strong and empowered. Spoiler: that strength showers others as well. Win, win.

Sometimes it just has to be done.

After all...

When it comes to flipping that attitude switch, if not you then who? And there’s no shame. Whatever gets you there attitude-wise is the perfect recipe for the day.

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