How to Transform A Foot Dragger into a Dynamo

People who are great at getting things done ARE NOT excited to take on new responsibilities.

A Doer’s lack of enthusiasm to take on responsibilities makes them seem like a foot-dragger. In reality, they have a specific set of concerns you must answer before they commit.

Dorando Pietri – 1908 London Olympics

Doers are never half-hearted once they commit to get something done.

The big three:

There are three types of people on your team.

  1. Doers finish things.
  2. Dreamers start things.
  3. Feelers prioritize relationships.

Everyone has a primary strength, a secondary capacity, and an area of weakness.

An example:

Suppose you’re 70% Doer, 25% Feeler, and 5% dreamer.

  1. You love getting things done.
  2. You are reluctant to disrupt established patterns.
  3. You are slow to try new things.

An uncertain Doer is a foot-dragger.

3 concerns – experience, skill, and values:

Doers need to see how a proposed commitment connects to their experiences, skills, and values.

Doers won’t start until they believe they can finish.

  1. How does this project align with what matters? Doers despise busywork.
  2. How have their experiences prepared them to complete proposed projects?
  3. What current skills apply to future challenges?

A committed Doer is an unstoppable dynamo.

Successful leaders know how to answer the reservations and concerns of undecided Doers.

5 tips that ignite Doers:

  1. Minimizing a Doer’s concerns will drain their enthusiasm and increase their reluctance. Take them seriously.
  2. Don’t blow smoke. Doers have highly tuned BS detectors.
  3. Ask, “What needs to be in place before you jump in with both feet?”
  4. Provide training before they go. Dreamers enjoy learning as they go. Doers enjoy learning before they go.
  5. Interpret a Doer’s reluctance as an opportunity to clarify the path forward. 

What questions might Doers need to answer before they give wholehearted commitment?

How might leaders ignite the passions of Doers?