5 Simple Ways to Change Your Life

Change is hard because we make it hard. Change your life by rejecting things that make change hard.

You can't change your life by doing the same things. Image of a cranberry in a crack.

Five things make change easier:

#1. Know what you want, specifically.

Ambiguous goals make change unlikely. You won’t change until you’re crystal clear about one new thing you intend to do today that produces change. It’s helpful to stop something. It’s necessary to do differently.

#2. Aim low.

Change is hard when you aim high. Over-confidence defeats everyone eventually.

#3. Stop people-pleasing.

You won’t change when other people govern the way you think about yourself.

#4. Give up on quick change.

Impatience makes change frustrating. You can’t change your life in a day. Go to the gym three times a week for a month and things will change.

#5. Seek help before you need it.

Going alone makes change unlikely. The people who reach the highest get the most help. You don’t think Taylor Swift does everything herself, do you?

5 simple ways to change your life:

You can’t change your life by doing the same things.

#1. Change the way you talk to yourself.

Beating yourself down doesn’t lift you up. Encourage yourself like you encourage a first-grader. The language you use sets the trajectory of your life.

#2. Change the way you talk to others.

Your words invite responses. Anger invites resistance. Defeated language doesn’t instill confidence.

#3. Change the way you think about money.

Give some of your money away today. Tight-fisted people live small unsatisfying lives.

#4.  Change the way you get up.

Morning rituals set the trajectory of your day. When you start frantic you live stressed. Choose how you show up before you show up.

Image of a group of happy people.

#5. Change your friends.

Your world expands when you understand yourself in connection, not isolation.

Which of the above ideas seems most useful to you today?

How can we make change easier?

You Can’t Change Your Life until You Change Your Life – Becoming Minimalist

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