13 Beliefs That Hold You Back

Failure begins with self-limiting beliefs.

if feelings were always right....

13 Beliefs that Hold You Back:

  1. Wisdom always feels right. If feelings were always right, failure would be extinct.
  2. Ineffective behaviors eventually become effective.
  3. Negative people aren’t that dangerous.
  4. Authenticity is an excuse to reject wise counsel.
  5. Clarity comes through speculating about problems.
  6. Control is the answer.
  7. You need more time.
  8. Good intentions change things.
  9. Leaders have all the answers.
  10. Receiving help is a sign of weakness.
  11. It needs to be right the first time. Perfectionism destroys potential.
  12. Simplicity and clarity come easy.
  13. Life-long friends will help you reach new heights. (Don’t jettison old friends; add new.)

13 beliefs that lift you high:

  1. Belief is only a beginning. Focus on behaviors.
  2. Curiosity takes you further than knowledge. Smart people ask questions. The dumbest person in the room is the one who always knows.
  3. Small is big. Breakthroughs happen while people are doing small things.
  4. Everything you tell yourself about others is only partially true.
  5. Real clarity happens as you step out.
  6. The shortest distance to the ocean is also the most difficult.
  7. The thing you think is final, isn’t.
  8. Serving is seldom convenient. Do it anyway.
  9. Strengths aren’t excuses for tolerating weaknesses and self-limiting behaviors.
  10. Listening makes you smarter. Talk much much much less. (For extroverts.)
  11. Others might be right and you might be wrong. Go with their gut when:
    • Values align.
    • Goals are clear and shared.
    • Everyone has the same information.
    • They have a track-record.
  12. Try something. Waiting doesn’t take you far.
  13. The people around you reflect your future. Choose them with vision in mind.

What belief holds you back?

What belief has most enriched your leadership?


Coaching-leaders clarify and align beliefs.

I’m delighted to partner with Clarity Development Consulting to offer the proven “Coaching for Engagement” program. Drop me an email if you’d like to explore having Bob Hancox and me come to your organization to begin developing a coaching culture in your organization.