4 Secrets to Winning

Don’t go through the motions for one more day.

Survival might be success during crisis, but it’s failure over the long-term.

Define success in order to win.

choose the peak before starting the climb.png

Purpose defines winning.

You must know why you exist in order to know if you’re winning.

The trouble with systems is they turn winning into efficiency. Just keep the systems running smoothly. Don’t get me wrong, every organization needs systems. But systems without purpose become heartless beasts that turn people into machines.

People inform winning.

The achievement of success is determined by the people on the team.

Accept the people on your team for who they are. Don’t try to make them something they aren’t.

  1. Where can your current team take you?
  2. Who is fully vested?
  3. Who is under-utilized?
  4. Who gives energy? Who drains it?
  5. Who pulls sideways?
  6. Who is ready for development?
  7. Who needs to move on or be marginalized?

Priorities enable winning.

  1. Know your purpose.
  2. Understand your people.
  3. Determine what matters now in relation to purpose and people.

Teams without priorities are adrift. 

Gather your leaders and fight it out. Limit the number of priorities to five or less. Include at least one relationship priority.

Goals aren’t priorities.

Priorities precede goals.

Goals find meaning in connection to priorities.

Organizations without priorities are pushed around by urgencies.

Execution is winning.

Purpose, people, and priorities are central to winning. But, winning requires implementation, follow-up, follow-through, and completion.

  1. What will you do today to win?
  2. How will you measure results? Keep an eye on the competition, but compete with yourself.
  3. Who will earn honor for doing what matters now?
  4. How will you treat each other while you work?

If talking was winning, everyone would win.

How do organizations or individuals win?

What does winning look like in your world?