10 Ways to Become a Molder of Reality

Some mold reality, others are molded by it.

Character is strength to mold rather than be molded.

Reality bends to leaders with character.

potter's hands

Leaders with character mold reality.

Character stays steady in challenge, adversity, and disappointment. The best thing you can do for young leaders is offer them challenges and get in the boat with them. Teach them how to press through difficulty.

Character energizes others. Judge your leadership by the energy of those closest to you.

10 ways to become a molder reality:

  1. Say no. When you feel pressured to say yes, say no. People without character say yes easily. Learn how to say no with gentleness and clarity. Those who can’t say no are lost.
  2. Stop talking so much. There is an inverse relationship between character and talking. Learn how to be quiet. (For extroverts)
  3. Take on a challenge. Character is the result of thoughtful action.
  4. Realize adapting isn’t quitting. Work through discomfort. Finish stuff.
  5. Stop making excuses. Make today the last day you offer an excuse to anyone for anything, especially yourself.
  6. Acknowledge failures and frailties, but don’t play dead.
  7. Start again. Don’t just lay there. People who attempt hard stuff fail. If you’re always succeeding, you aren’t reaching high enough.
  8. Hang with leaders who have character. “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” Anonymous
  9. Read about great leaders.
  10. Believe in something bigger than yourself. If you want to see a person’s character, ask them what they believe in. Believers mold reality.

Bonus: Live to serve.

Authenticity simplifies life.

Of all the things you learn, learn who you are through quiet self-reflection. It’s in the quiet, after the battle, that you find yourself. If you don’t know who you are, someone is molding you into their image.

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