How to Avoid the 3 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Don’t Need to Make

Mistakes are inevitable, but some are avoidable.

The worst mistakes are the ones you didn’t need to make.

The worst mistakes are the ones you don't need to make. Image of a man tripping with a sword.

The 3 biggest mistakes leaders don’t need to make:

#1. Certainty when you’re ignorant.

You amplify ignorance when you screw up after pretending you knew. Don’t hide ignorance. Use it as motivation to learn.

When you’re unsure, say, “We evaluated the options and sought input. We’re moving forward.” Don’t give the impression you know when you’re ignorant.

Hiding ignorance exposes arrogance. Fools know. Wisdom learns.

When you embrace ignorance, you learn. When you feign knowledge, you fail.

The mistakes leaders make are deadly because they harm others. Image of a cat with its paw covering its eyes.

#2. Bravado when you’re worried.

Bravado only fools simpletons.

You look like a poser when you beat your chest during turbulence. Leadership confidence is about people, agility, and a commitment to learn.

“We can work through this together,” is better than, “I got this.”

“We will learn as we go,” is better than, “I have the answer.”

#3. Openness when you’re rigid.

You deflate energy when you ask, “What do you think?” after you made up your mind.

Seek input, but don’t let people think you’ll do what they suggest. Explain that you’re seeking options with an “S”. After the first suggestion say, “And what other possibilities come to mind?”


5 things to do when you screw up:

  1. Lean in, not away.
  2. Take responsibility. Don’t blame.
  3. Commit to learn.
  4. Take corrective action.
  5. Demonstrate commitment to improve.

5 essential practices for all leaders:

  1. Humility.
  2. Authenticity.
  3. Vulnerability.
  4. Self-reflection.
  5. Courage to act.

What’s on your list of mistakes leaders don’t need to make?

Still curious:

How Humble Leadership Really Works

The Top 4 Mistakes Busy Leaders Make

I believe our book, The Vagrant: The Inner Journey of Leadership, enables leaders to avoid mistakes that don’t need to be made. I invite you to purchase it.