Top Leaders Explain What Fuels Their Energy

Any incompetent fool can run around barking orders like a chihuahua with the self image of a doberman. 

Yes, giving direction is part of leadership. But the soft stuff, like igniting, monitoring, and managing energy, is the hard stuff of leadership.

Incompetent leaders drain people – successful leaders fuel them.

Pour in:

Fuel your own energy first. Pour in so you can pour out.

You may believe you’re Wonder Woman or Superman, but you have frailties. Thinking otherwise is self-deception. 

Leaders run dry when they pour out more than they pour in.

Self-awareness includes the ability to monitor and manage your own energy. What drains you? What fuels you? Maybe it’s listening to success stories, or sitting back and breathing for five minutes, or discussing new opportunities.

Put pour-in-time on your calendar and meeting agendas.

12 things that fuel energy:

I spent last Wednesday morning with the top leaders of the Department of Corrections for the State of Pennsylvania. I’m guessing there were about 65 people in the room. During my presentation, we discussed things that fuel energy.

Ideas from our conversation include:

  1. Crisis.
  2. Developing people.
  3. Vacation, hobbies, activities outside work.
  4. Sharing leadership. “It’s not about you.”
  5. Progress. Stepping toward clear goals.
  6. Vision. A clear vision that defines progress.
  7. Accomplishments.
  8. Money.
  9. Giving power to others.
  10. Reconnecting with purpose. Purpose is passion. Know the personal formative stories of the people on your team.
  11. Challenges.
  12. Getting beyond a good day. Staying safe is a baseline. How do we make lives better for each other, inmates, and the community?

Energy tip:

Givers receive more than takers. Giving gives more energy than getting. Yes, getting is good. But giving is better. 

What drains energy?

How might leaders fuel energy, both their own and others?