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15 Ways To Make A Positive First Impression At Networking Events

Forbes Communications Council

Networking events can be intimidating, but they also offer great opportunities to make valuable connections and promote your business. One critical aspect of networking success is the first impression you make. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding professional, knowing how to introduce yourself can set the stage for fruitful interactions and potential opportunities down the line.

Below, 15 Forbes Communication Council members share their favorite strategies for introducing themselves to others at networking events. Follow their tips to leave a positive, memorable first impression that will benefit your career and your business and help you begin to forge valuable and enduring professional connections.

1. Be A Real Human

I usually break the ice by making fun of myself, which is typical for me, and I find it disarms people almost immediately, making it easier to move into a real conversation. The truth is, most networking events are a chore, so adding a little levity goes a long way. - Valerie Combs, IAC

2. Share Something Personal

While introducing yourself in terms of your role, company and location is standard, adding something unique to you that’s not job-related is an easy way to give the person(s) you’re meeting a relaxed opening. It can be as simple as, “This is my first time in X city,” or, “I’ve never eaten at Y fast-food chain.” - Christina Crawley, Forum One

3. Research The Event

Be sure you research the event and know the audience of those attending. Once I understand that, I share what I am passionate about, or a fun fact, before diving into what I do professionally. If you want people to relate to you and you want to build relationships, be authentic—and don’t forget to listen more than you talk. - Emily Burroughs, BGSF

4. Create Compassionate Connections

Confidently introduce yourself and your business, weaving in something about your personal life—where you live, family, hobbies. Then, listen to their introduction and create a compassionate connection with them regarding something about where they live, their family or their hobbies. - Brad Sivert, Tavant

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5. Ask People Questions And Use Their Names

Questions lead to clarity and connection, so don’t make the conversation about you. Having a confident and pleasant demeanor is important when introducing yourself. Beyond that, the best impression you can make is by getting to know the other person. Listen for relatable points of connection, and use their name when talking to them. It helps you remember their name and makes the conversation personal. - Clay Tuten, KeyMark Inc

6. Be Yourself (And Wear A Name Tag)

The best advice is to be yourself—authentically you—during networking events. The moment you try to act like someone else, you lose credibility and any potential of building a meaningful and trusted connection. Also, proactively research who will be in the room with you so you can intentionally plan your interactions and be prepared on topical issues. And always wear a name tag! - Camille Weleschuk, ATB Financial

7. Remember Who You’ve Already Met

I stand back a little when I first get to events and assess the room to see who is standing alone and not interacting with others. I then start with a smile and introduce myself. Once they tell me their name, I say it to them to show I am listening and to create a memory, so I will not forget who I met that evening. There is nothing worse than introducing yourself to someone you have already met. - Sarah Lero, A.L. Huber

8. Speak Passionately About Your Work

I start with a strong and confident greeting by introducing myself with a smile, a firm handshake and enthusiasm. Making eye contact and being genuine in your interaction matters most. Follow up by explaining who you are and what you do, as this can reveal synergies between you and the other person. Speak about your work with passion and expertise, but also be attentive and willing to listen. - Asad Kausar, Dabaran

9. Listen More Than You Talk About Yourself

Spend more time listening than talking about yourself. This also means paying attention to what the other person is saying, rather than thinking about the next thing you want to say. People can tell when you’re engaged with them and want to hear what they have to say. Ask them questions about themselves and their businesses. - Tom Wozniak, OPTIZMO Technologies, LLC

10. ‘Netweave’ Instead Of Networking

Focus on “netweaving” instead of networking. Too often, people approach events looking for how others can benefit their own endeavors. A netweaver will instead seek opportunities to help others. This single change will fundamentally impact the first impressions you make and help you quickly become the trusted resource in your community. - Kurt Uhlir, eXp World Holdings

11. Ask Follow-Up Questions

My favorite approach is to listen rather than speak. Introduce yourself, then genuinely get to know your counterpart’s story. Ask questions that show you’re listening and follow-up inquiries to learn more. When you listen to someone’s story during your initial interaction, it creates a foundation that is a fantastic step toward building a solid professional relationship based on respect and care. - Melissa Kandel, little word studio

12. Start With A Compliment

Even before I introduce myself, I either compliment the person on something they are wearing or something I saw them do during an event. This makes the conversation personal, informal and non-threatening and allows us to have a discussion even before we introduce ourselves. It also helps the person know that you are not full of yourself or selling your services or products to them. - Parna Sarkar-Basu, Brand and Buzz Marketing, LLC.

13. Don’t Complicate It

Smiling, making eye contact, giving a firm handshake and saying, “Hi, I’m…” makes such a great first impression. Don’t be salesy or start on your elevator pitch. Listen, listen, listen. - Ira Gostin, G8 Strategies LLC

14. Ask Open-Ended Questions

People love talking about themselves, so ask open-ended questions to start a conversation. This not only helps you get to know others, but also shows that you are interested in them. - Jaime Hunt, Old Dominion University

15. Don’t Come With A Script

It can be super tempting to prepare a well-crafted script, but it’s important to remember that nonverbal communication will set the tone and leave a lasting impression more than anything you say. To make a good impression, be confident and authentic. As Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Brittany Garlin, Vista Social

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