12 Ways to Dance with Disappointment

Allow disappointment to clarify what's in your heart. Image of a crucible.

12 ways to dance with disappointment:

#1. Be a scientist.

Trying things is an experiment to discover what works. Don’t be disappointed. Learn what to not do.

#2. Accept history.

Come to grips with reality. History says something will go wrong soon. The good you did yesterday doesn’t insulate you from unexpected problems today.

#3. See yourself.

Reconnect with passion. Allow disappointment to clarify what’s in your heart. What contribution do you want to make? Challenges and frustrations are windows of contribution.

#4. Own it.

Disappointment means you care.

#5. Refocus on mission.

Find a reason that makes it worthwhile to work through disappointment. Evaluate your mission when you constantly think it’s not worth it. Facing difficulty is worth it when you have a meaningful mission.

Develop a personal mission statement.

#6. Avoid.

Avoid behaviors that contribute to disappointment. Procrastinating. Avoiding tough conversations. Using ambiguous language.  

#7. Simplify.

Ask, “What’s the simplest thing I can do to improve this situation?”

#8. Refocus.

Think more about giving than getting. How can you contribute to success right now?

#9. Humble yourself.

Arrogance says, “I don’t deserve this.” You might not deserve the setbacks you’re facing. Accept them and move forward.

#10. De-personalize.

Reaffirm potential. You aren’t the mistakes you make. You made progress in the past. With work, you’ll make progress again.

#11. Make a friend.

Disappointment says build walls. Don’t listen. Connect with someone who is passionate to grow into the future. The wrong friends are deadly.

#12. Adjust expectations.

Feeling let down after pouring yourself into something is normal. Take a breather. You aren’t a super-hero.

Bonus: Reject sideline critics.

Some critics are committed to make things better. Toxic critics spray poison from the sidelines.

Never let toxic critics distract you from noble goals.

Which suggestion listed above seems most useful to you?

What can you add to the above list?

How to Keep Going When Hope Turns to Disappointment

How to Live Up to Your Aspiration

Dealing with disappointment: some strategies to make lemonade out of lemons

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Everything changes when we change the way we think about ourselves.