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Want To Implement A Growth Mindset? 14 Tips For New Nonprofit Managers

Forbes Nonprofit Council
Updated Mar 8, 2023, 06:49pm EST

New managers are placed in a unique position where they must be quick to continue carrying out the goals of their organization while also encouraging the people they lead. For some, this can mean upholding the status quo, but for others, it’s a chance to expand on how the organization currently operates.

While change can bring with it great things, altering the established culture and operations of an organization is not an easy task, especially when a leader attempts to do it alone. To help, 14 members from Forbes Nonprofit Council share their recommendations for new nonprofit managers attempting to implement a growth mindset in their organizations.

1. Look Internally First

Anybody who wants to cultivate a growth mindset in others needs to look at themselves first. How do you model risk taking, mistake making, personal growth and continuous improvement? A leader's willingness to stretch, learn from others, change course as new information is presented and admit when they've made mistakes is necessary before you can see it from those you lead. - Kait Peters, The People Concern

2. Establish A Healthy Culture

A growth mindset comes from a culture that establishes trust, respect and value for one another. When a healthy culture is in place, innovation and collaboration result in growth. Establishing trust and respect for your colleagues, the mission, the board of directors, contributors and the project itself all are essential. Show up ready to be consistent, respectful and flexible with a positive attitude! - Nancy Padberg, Catholic Education Arizona

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3. Seek Out And Offer Feedback

Actively seek out feedback while also offering it respectfully but honestly. Your organization doesn't have to run 360 reviews for you to ask your colleagues, managers and direct reports what they think of your work, behavior, process and results, or for you to share your thoughts. Critical feedback helps you improve and grow faster, while positive feedback helps you stay on track. - George Tsiatis, Resolution Project

4. Make It A Joint Effort

Don't do it alone. Allow others in the organization to help define what growth looks like. I have found that when implementing anything new, be it culture, mindset or strategy, it is wise to ask others to define what it could look like. Ask them how to implement a new initiative organization-wide and then give them the tools to do what is needed to implement and, more importantly, sustain it. - Duana Patton, Ohio District 5 Area Agency on Aging Inc.

5. Examine What Others Are Doing

Heighten your awareness of other organizations and their growth strategies. One should look at organizations both inside and outside of one's industry. There is a lot one can learn by reading up on successful companies in Forbes, taking field trips to growing entities or by bringing in guest speakers who are implementing successful growth strategies to talk to you and your team. - Christopher Washington, Franklin University

6. Make Failure Part Of The Process

To encourage a growth mindset, you need to make failure a learning process, even celebrating mistakes. Every skier knows falling is part of the learning curve, and learning how to fall is essential to avoiding injuries. The same is true in your organization. As a manager, you want to encourage experimentation and learning from any mistakes. Shake off the metaphorical snow and remember to have fun! - Elizabeth Robison, Heluna Health

7. Assess The Current Roster Of Projects

Growth is too often thwarted because resources don't exist to pursue new ideas, so organizations must create space for growth by saying "no" to efforts that don't deliver enough value. Evaluate existing efforts to see if investments of time, money, influence and other resources should be cut or stopped. Then, consider alternative opportunities that are possible if you redeploy those resources. - Betsy Chapin Taylor, FAHP, Accordant

8. See Issues As Opportunities To Grow

Exercise your "opportunity” muscle. Instead of seeing challenges and problems as negatives, see them as opportunities to change, grow and evolve. Instead of naming five reasons why something won't work, all you need is one reason why and how it can work to pursue that option. - Kimberly Lewis, Goodwill Industries of East Texas, Inc.

9. Set And Monitor Goals

Set weekly, monthly and annual goals and then use data reporting to show regular progress toward achieving those goals. Make goal achievement a team effort and celebrate milestones with parties, retreats and special perks recognizing everyone’s contribution to the organization’s growth and long-term sustainability. - Kristen Jaarda, American Council on Gift Annuities

10. Make Plans With The Board

Growth expectations begin with strategic planning in conjunction with the board for short- and long-term goals. Growth expectations must be realistic and attainable. To help shape and foster the growth mindset, input from managers is important and should be added value. It's important that input be focused on the goals set in the strategic plan—otherwise, it can be a waste of time. - Richard Izquierdo, NAICA Neighborhood Association for Inter-Cultural Affairs

11. Be Driven By The Mission

A growth mindset culture is fueled by a laser focus on the mission and an inspirational vision for the future. When done in equal parts, this drives momentum and sets a course. Leadership should then reverse engineer the milestones, metrics and behaviors needed to achieve the vision of the organization. This blend of mission, vision and metrics drives culture, impact and purpose for stakeholders. - Robert Santana, Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Orange Coast

12. Build On Past Successes

Be visionary and bold. Success begets success. Whatever you do really well, do that. If there’s something you would like to do really well, use some concepts and strategies of the things you can do well to try to duplicate that success. Have goals and ideas that are big and bold. Help sponsors, stakeholders, staff and volunteers have that "wow" moment. - Aaron Alejandro, Texas FFA Foundation

13. Create A Following

The first step to creating a growth mindset is followership where your team signs up to follow you as a leader. Engage each team member by getting to know them, their passions, experience and skills. Share your story as well—or as one of our trustees once said, "Weigh in to get the buy-in." Once a foundation of mutual trust is built, your team will be more confident in the ability to grow. - Albert L. Reyes, Buckner International

14. Bake Growth Into The Recruitment Process

We often look at attributes like a growth mindset after the fact, which invariably means it is not comprehensively baked into our recruitment processes. This is the first step to ensuring strategic drivers are achievable and you have a team capable of delivering on them. Additionally, culture is key, and you should only lead on anything when you can model something worthy of following. - Shane Ryan, Avast Foundation

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