The Power of Noticing – Things that Get Noticed Get Done

It comes every year, but winter is always a surprise in Pennsylvania. The leaves are glorious one day and the next the birch out back is bare and cold. I like winter. I fired up the stove in my office about three-weeks ago. The ceramic tiles warm my toes now.

Every winter my wife sees a warning light in her Honda CRV. It’s low tire pressure. I fire up my air compressor and pump up the tires. I did my duty before lunch yesterday.

When I came in, she asked, “How many were down?” I said, “All of them.” Apparently, air molecules huddle together when temperatures drop below freezing. Then she asked, “Does this happen with your truck?” I replied, “Not yet.”

Improvement begins with noticing. Image of a cat.

I drive a basic Toyota Pickup. The only frills are an automatic transmission and air conditioning. No climate control. I control the heater myself. Recently I told my wife I better trade-up before I crack-up fiddling with the temperature on my heater.

It’s 5 a.m. but I grabbed a flashlight, slipped on my crocks, and made a quick trip to the garage in shorts and tee-shirt to see if my no-frills-Toyota has TPMS – Tire Pressure Monitoring System. I’m resting easy. It does. I’m going to warm my toes on the ceramic tiles in my office. It’s 15 degrees Fahrenheit.

Things that get noticed get done.

You’re so busy you forget to notice; you just do the next thing. You end up going where you’ve always been when you don’t notice life’s trajectory.

Make three columns on a piece of paper. In column one record three of your best achievements. In column two record the behaviors that enabled your best achievements. In column three answer this question, “How will you honor your future today?”

What does noticing look like to you today?

Still curious:

Noticing: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Noticing – Not Feedback – Enhances Performance and Elevates Satisfaction

The Art of Noticing