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30 self-care gifts for mental health for your wishlist

December 5, 2023 - 19 min read

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30 best self-care gifts for mental health

Self-care is a habit, not a splurge

Self-care is a popular term, but not every representation gets it right. 

When you hear the phrase “self-care gifts,” your mind may jump to a social-media style depiction of what it means to look out for yourself: a spa weekend, a shopping spree, a glass of wine. But these feel-good activities don’t necessarily promote self-care. 

Real self-care means meeting your basic bodily and mental health needs and seeking to improve the condition of both through conscientious and consistent action. Loving yourself isn’t buying new clothes when you’re feeling depressed. It’s talking to a therapist. And taking care of your health isn’t necessarily having a drink to wind down — it’s developing healthy coping skills, like taking a walk or meditating to decompress. 

Items that help you form healthy habits or promote your holistic wellness are meaningful self-care gifts for mental health. Here’s a guide to some of the best presents you can get yourself or your loved ones to take care of yourselves.

30 best self-care gifts for mental health

What makes a good gift? Many would say thoughtfulness and utility — two boxes that any self-care present checks off. Whether you want to treat yourself by fostering better habits or encourage a loved one to make time for their needs, mental-health-forward gifts are a gracious gesture to be more intentional with your giving. Here are thirty self-care gift ideas you could bestow upon yourself or those you love.  

1. Journal

Journaling supports mental health by allowing you to flush out emotions and ideas in a stream-of-consciousness style entry in a safe place. You can improve your self-awareness through this act and even manage your anxiety

Buy your loved one a notebook you think they’ll like using to encourage the daily habit of recording their thoughts and feelings. 

2. Self-help books


While self-help books can’t replace therapy, they can guide people on life-improving techniques. Pick up a growth-forward book about improving communication for a friend or partner so they can enjoy healthier relationships or read up on fostering positive habits that support their wellness goals. 

3. Affirmation cards

It can be challenging to affirm yourself, especially when your self-esteem is low. Luckily, affirmation cards contain pre-written statements that you or your loved one can recite to improve your self-perspective. Flip through the box of cards to find positive affirmations that resonate. And if it’s someone you’re really close to, you could create a set of cards to remind your loved one just how much you care about them whenever they need to pull a card. 

4. Cookbooks

Excellent nutrition supports mental health. But when you’re on the go or working long hours, it’s easy to opt for takeout or fall into a pattern of rushed, incomplete meals. Buy cookbooks with healthy recipes for someone you care about to help encourage them to prepare nourishing meals at home. 

Meal prepping from these books might be a great way to build a stronger weekly routine, break bad spending habits, and eat healthier. Helping someone form this habit — and even getting yourself the same book to act as an accountability partner — will offer many benefits.  

5. Meal box subscription

If you know someone who doesn’t enjoy cooking, they might think it means they can’t quickly prepare nutritious meals for themselves. But meal box subscriptions contain ready-made food that meets several dietary needs or restrictions like high-protein diets or veganism. Other services ship ingredients for easy-to-prep dishes that can help recipients foster skills in the kitchen — and perhaps tap into an undiscovered passion. 

Several months of these meal boxes make a great gift for a loved one you know who struggles to balance meal planning with their day-to-day life. 

6. Meditation courses

Meditation centers you in the present and keeps your mind from replaying stressful moments from the past or focusing on future concerns. Gift someone a meditation course to learn a skill to help them gain control when they feel pressured or worried. 

7. Fitness trackers


Physical health promotes mental well-being by helping you cope with stress and reducing the onset of diseases like dementia. If you or someone you care about aren’t doing enough physical activity, purchase a fitness tracker to encourage this habit and reap the benefits of exercise. Encourage them to set fitness goals, like walking a certain number of steps in a day, and use this device to monitor progress.  

You could opt for gifting the premium version of a helpful fitness app or a Smart Watch to find this accountability — it just depends on your budget and the recipient’s fitness tracking needs. 

8. Coloring books 

Research shows that mindful coloring can decrease anxiety — and as such, coloring books are for people of all ages. Pick up an adult coloring book and a set of colored pencils to gift your loved one time spent filling in mandalas or funky patterns. 

9. Aromatherapy

Within the realm of herbal medicine, many claim aromatherapy is an effective tool for everything from indigestion to depression. Research continues to explore the reach and validity of this healing method, but — regardless of the findings — some find using essential oils and other concentrated scents very relaxing. Pick up a diffuser, scented candles, or incense to give someone the gift of serenity. Just be sure to remind them to follow the instructions carefully to protect your safety. 

10. At-home spa kits

Although at-home spa days are sometimes seen like a self-care cliché, some of these pampering practices offer real benefits. Face masks contain nourishing or active ingredients to help your skin — the body’s largest organ —  and could truly put someone at ease.

Another great way to mix aromatherapy into your self-care is scented bath epsom salts, bath bombs, or bubble bath mix to unwind in a scented but soothing tub. Warm baths can decrease stress hormones and balance serotonin, meaning this thoughtful spa-like gift offers your loved ones real health benefits.  

11. A massage

Research shows that massages reduce heart rate, anxiety, and depression. Treat your loved one to a professional therapeutic massage. Not only can this activity relax the body and mind, but it also provides an enjoyable respite after a long day, allowing easier transition into sleep. Consider buying a gift card so your recipient can make an appointment at a time that suits their schedule.

12. Dance classes

Dancing can improve self-efficacy and confidence and promote a positive mental state. It activates your body and focuses your mind. Gift yourself or a loved one a pass to a local dance class to get moving and express some creative energy. 

13. Podcast subscription 


Podcasts are rich sources of information on topics from mental health to business and can satiate your desire for learning, expand your worldview and empathy for others, and take your mind off daily stressors. Stream audio episodes while commuting or taking a walk and deepen your knowledge and connection to the world around you. 

14. A coaching subscription

With the gift of coaching, you can help a loved one gain guidance in setting goals and crafting an action plan for meeting them. The benefits of coaching range from heightened self-awareness to better work-life balance and greater professional satisfaction. 

BetterUp’s certified coaches can help you find more fulfillment in any area of life — from physical wellness to your career — and make an excellent gift for someone you care about, including yourself. 

15.  Art supplies

Encourage someone you care about to explore their creativity, and work out some emotions through art. They don’t have to have experience to start painting or drawing. Pick up art supplies like pencils, paints, high-weight paper, or canvas and see what this person can come up with. An art class is another great gift that you can give or even share with a loved one to sharpen your technical skills.  

16. Relaxing playlist

Gift someone a relaxing playlist to help them unwind in the bath or during their commute. “Relaxing” music varies from person to person, depending on taste. If you’re unsure where to start, tap into ready-made playlists on your streaming platform of choice. Classical music, light jazz, and ambient sounds are often excellent options.  

17. Sleep hygiene kit

The proper functioning of your brain and body depends on getting high-quality rest. Establishing excellent sleep hygiene practices can help. Buy an eye mask to help your loved one block out light (or splurge for black-out curtains) and earplugs to keep out noise. Consider a sleep spray with a relaxing aroma, like lavender or melatonin gummies (with your physician’s approval) to encourage deeper rest. 

18. A class

Learning can change your perspective. Give a voucher or coupon for an art or music class or get a diploma or degree in an area of interest to a friend or family member. They’ll meet new people in class, obtain a skill or information that could improve their personal or professional life, and have an enriching way to spend some free time.

19. Water bottle 

There’s a proven link between sufficient hydration and proper mental functioning, so drinking plenty of water is essential. If you know this habit is challenging for someone to form, purchase them a water bottle that encourages more H2O consumption. 

If you’re buying this for yourself, calculate how much water you should drink daily based on your physical activity, and find a container that can hold that amount. Some water bottles even feature motivational statements on the side to encourage you to keep up the good work of finishing your daily intake. 

20. Agenda

Many feel they don’t have enough time for self-care. And while it’s true that busy schedules without much work-life balance don’t lend well to healthy habits, rearranging your day may help you find time to take better care of yourself (and others)

Gift an agenda to encourage the recipient to work in rest, relaxation, and nutritious meals into their day. This idea makes an excellent self-care Christmas gift for you or a loved one, encouraging them to start the upcoming year with more time for themselves. 

21. Weighted blanket

Weighted blankets can be a therapeutic tool in reducing anxiety. These throws generally have a bamboo, velour, or knit surface for maximum comfort and contain weights inside that apply pressure to the body. Most blankets weigh between five and 30 pounds, so finding a weight that brings relief, not discomfort, is essential. 

22. Yoga mat 

Research shows that yoga can reduce some forms of anxiety and stress. Plus, light yoga is an excellent way to wind down before bed, as it encourages stretching and mindfulness. Pick up a yoga mat and some blocks and bands to encourage someone to foster the practice at home. Consider enrolling them in a virtual yoga class to improve technique or attend some in-person classes together. 

23. DIY self-care kit 

If you’re looking for a thoughtful gift for a loved one, consider making a self-care kit. Tailor the present to the person, filling it with items that can help them rest better, eat more healthfully, or relax. Some excellent self-care kit ideas are sleep masks, aromatherapy-infused lotions, and gift subscriptions (i.e., for a yoga class or a meal prep system). Add the items to a gift box or basket for a striking surprise that shows the recipient how much care and curation you put into it. 

24. Scented jigsaw puzzle 

Scented jigsaw puzzles combine the power of aromatherapy and presence. Putting a puzzle together centers you in your body and invites you to turn off your thoughts. The act also provides satisfaction, as finishing a jigsaw is an accomplishment. Scented puzzles release a relaxing aroma — like lavender — as you work, making the activity even more pleasant and grounding. Pick a scent and puzzle you know this person will enjoy to help them maximize their relaxation time. 

25. Book-of-the-month membership

A book-of-the-month membership allows users to pick out and receive a riveting novel or piece of non-fiction on a cadence. This is perfect for the bookworm in your life or someone you know is hoping to foster a positive bedtime activity and learn something new. 

26. Alcohol-free spirits 

Even small amounts of alcohol can interrupt healthy sleep. But parting with a nightly glass of wine can be challenging if your recipient enjoys winding down with one or loves a good wine-meal pairing. Consider gifting yourself alcohol-free spirits, which recreate the pleasurable experience of having a drink without the adverse effects of alcohol. 

27. A vacation day


If you’re feeling burnt out, take a break. Overworking can lead to gastrointestinal issues, poor sleep, and even on-the-job errors. Take a vacation day — even if you don’t make any big plans, a staycation can offer you a much-needed recharge. Catch up on rest and relaxation activities, read, take a long walk, or prepare nutritious meals ahead of time. 

If you’re trying to give this to a loved one, encourage them to take a day and promise you’ll plan the whole itinerary so they can spend the day relaxing and enjoying what you have planned. 

28. Skincare products

Cosmetics may sound like the type of self-love gifts that don’t promote profound, sustained care. Think again. The skin is your body’s biggest organ, and caring for it isn’t solely an aesthetic act. Gift products that keep skin hydrated and safe from the sun’s harmful rays to help someone build a routine around caring for their skin. 

29. Proper shoes

Wearing the right footwear can lessen pain and relieve foot and back problems. So, getting proper shoes is an act of self-care. Sometimes, however, it’s quicker or simpler to purchase a fashionable or affordable pair. While neither of those motivators is bad, consider prioritizing comfort and quality in your next footwear purchase. 

It might be hard to buy someone you care about the right pair of shoes, but a coupon or gift card for a shoe store will let them splurge on the best pair they can find. 

30. At-home sanctuary items 

Everyone deserves to feel like their home is a sanctuary. But if you have loved ones who work exclusively from home, they might need extra help differentiating between where they work and where they live. Gift candles, throw blankets, prints, and other cozy items to help this person create their dream relaxation zone. 

Self-care is a habit, not a splurge 

As you craft a list of self-care gifts for mental health, remember that items that provide temporary joy or a one-off pleasurable experience may be enjoyable but aren’t always sustainable. Focusing on pampering yourself in a way that offers you stress relief in your everyday life should be routine. 

Whether for yourself or a family member focused on improving their mental health, remember that the perfect gift keeps giving as self-care is a continuous act. Also, remember that self-care can’t always replace outside support. If you or someone you care about is suffering or in crisis, seek the professional help of a therapist to improve your mental health. 

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Published December 5, 2023

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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