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How to create a video resume to land your dream job

December 1, 2023 - 16 min read

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What’s a video resume?

Should you create a video resume?

How to make a video resume: 7 steps

Video resume examples: Scripts and videos

Tools for creating video resumes

Time to make your mark

You're at a crossroads in your career. Seeking a new opportunity, you understand the need to stand out. And as optimized as it is, you feel like your traditional paper resume isn’t cutting it. 

Maybe it’s time to consider a new job search tool: the video resume. In an increasingly digital world, job seekers are turning to video resumes to gain employer attention. These dynamic resumes allow you to showcase your interview skills and personality in a unique and compelling way.

What’s a video resume?

A video resume, aka a video CV, is a short video where you describe your professional knowledge, skills, and abilities. You might also outline any completed education and career achievements. While this content resembles a traditional resume, instead of words on paper, it’s you in front of the camera. 

In this digital age, video resumes are increasingly popular with recruiters and hiring managers. They’re a creative way to showcase your strong communication skills and make a good first impression.

Should you create a video resume?

A video resume offers your job application a personal touch. It's a great way to show potential employers your creativity and innovative thinking. And according to a 2021 study by the Canadian research institute Cirano, video resumes increased call-back rates by more than 10%.

Employers enjoyed gaining a more thorough understanding of who they’d be hiring, feeling more confident about whether or not applicants would fit in with the company culture.

That said, if you work in a more technical and formal industry, you might want to send the more traditional CV and digital resume. If not properly executed, a video resume can come across as unprofessional.

How to make a video resume: 7 steps

Creating a video resume isn't daunting when broken into manageable steps. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create CV videos that showcase your professional experience and reveal your personality and communication skills.

1. Make a script

This isn't just about writing down your work experience. You're crafting an elevator pitch and must find a way to sell yourself quickly and effectively.

Identify key points from your work history, in-demand skills, and achievements, and weave them into a compelling narrative filled with action verbs. Keep it concise and engaging. Remember, you're not writing a simple paper resume, you’re telling a story.

2. Prepare filming space

Your environment reflects your professionalism. Make it neat, free of distractions, and well-lit. Natural light is best, but if that’s unavailable, use a well-placed lamp or external light source. The space should also be quiet to ensure clear audio.


3. Set up recording media

Whether you're using a smartphone or a professional camera, the quality of your recording makes all the difference. Nobody wants to sit through a wobbly, blurry video. For any camera type, consider using a tripod for stability. And position the camera at eye level for a more direct human connection with potential employers.

4. Record, then record again

Here's where your script comes to life. When recording, look directly into the camera. This mimics in-person eye contact and symbolizes care and engagement. Speak clearly, ensuring your audio is crisp. And remember to be yourself and let your personality shine through. 

Public speaking is challenging, even for a self-recorded video, so don’t be afraid to make multiple recordings until you get the take you're happy with.

5. Add visuals

Consider adding visual elements, like graphics, animations, and cutaways, to make your resume more entertaining. But don’t add irrelevant, unprofessional content that distracts from the video’s main subject: your employee strengths

6. Edit the video

Use video editing software to piece together your video resume, trimming excess footage, fixing minor issues, and adding effects or background music to enhance the overall feel of the video. Remember, your edits should improve clarity and engagement, not distract or irritate the viewer.

7. Get feedback

Don't just rely on your own judgment. Get second and third opinions from friends, career coaches, and workplace mentors, implementing their constructive feedback. These recommendations could be the difference between a good video resume and a great one.


Tips to make your video resume stand out

Creating a video resume is one thing — making it truly unforgettable is another. On average, a job candidate will only get one interview for every six applications they complete, so creating a video that separates you from the rest is crucial.

Much like traditional resume dos and don’ts, you need to follow some best practices while also having fun with it. Here are some tips to help you create this balance:

  • Make it relevant: Each job and company is unique, so your video resume should be, too. Review the job description closely and tailor your video content to match the required skills and qualifications. This shows potential employers you've done your homework and perfectly fit their needs.
  • Keep it simple: Although a video resume offers a lot of creative freedom, it's essential not to overcrowd it with too much information or flashy effects. You want to tell a clear, concise story. Stick to key points and make sure that any graphics or animations you use support your narrative and don't distract from your message.
  • Be creative: A video resume is a chance to showcase your uniqueness. Showcase your personal style to make your video resume more engaging and reflect your creative thinking. This could mean using a unique filter, adding a bit of humor like an ice-breaker, or incorporating elements that represent your personal brand.
  • Be professional: Despite the more stylized format, a video resume is still a professional form of media. Dress as you would for an interview, maintain a respectful tone, and be mindful of your body language. This gives potential employers a preview of your professionalism in the workplace.
  • Strategically highlight skills: Instead of just telling prospective employers about your best skills, show them. If you're applying for a job that requires excellent presentation skills, deliver your script in a way that showcases that, maybe by speaking clearly and using engaging gestures. And if you're a graphic designer, integrate your designs into the video, perhaps by creating a beautiful background image or showcasing graphics you’ve designed on a white backdrop.


Video resume examples: Scripts and videos

Venturing into the realm of video resumes is daunting, especially if you're unsure where to start. But gaining inspiration from successful examples makes exploring that uncharted territory much more manageable.

To aid your creation process, here are some video resume examples featuring creative approaches and effective scripting.

Jane Doe's video resume

Jane effectively showcases her communication and project management skills with various visual aids, including diagrams, charts, and snippets from previous projects.

In the video, Jane narrates her experiences, presenting scenarios where she resolved complex issues using conflict resolution and attention-to-detail skills. Her storytelling is so engaging that it brings life to her application.

Her transitions and background score emphasize her ability to harmonize diverse elements to create cohesion, which symbolizes an important team leadership trait. And she uses an intuitive color scheme, matching the tone and context of the narrative, to guide the viewer's attention to on-screen text that outlines key career achievements.

Her unique style of visually representing her experiences keeps the viewer captivated, while her well-articulated narration demonstrates her impeccable communication skills, making the video resume a compelling watch. This approach showcases Jane's qualifications, creativity, and her ability to present complex information in an easily digestible format.

John Doe's video resume script

“Hey hiring team, 

I’m John Doe, a highly-skilled communicator deeply interested in contributing to the success of your organization as a communication strategist. I know that the lifeblood of any role lies in delivering clear, succinct, and meaningful messages — a skill set I possess and have demonstrated throughout my career.

My most recent position was with X company, where I successfully used advanced communication strategies to bridge the gap between several diverse teams and departments, enhancing collaboration and productivity.

A particularly noteworthy accomplishment was when I led a cross-functional project, streamlining the logistics process, which resulted in an impressive 25% reduction in delivery time. This was achieved largely due to the comprehensive and effective communication channels I established and maintained among all parties involved.

Beyond communication, I've also developed a strong skill set in project management. During my time at Y corporation, I managed a complex project involving multiple stakeholders and delivered it on time and 15% under budget.

This experience honed my skills in strategic planning, resource allocation, and team management, all of which I’m eager to bring to your organization.

Armed with strong communication skills, a rich professional background, and proven project management abilities, I’m confident I’d be a valuable asset.

Best regards!”


Tools for creating video resumes

If you’ve decided to create a video resume for your next application, here are some of the best resume builders to help you out:

  • Animaker is perfect for beginners and those wanting to create a video resume quickly. It offers a simple drag-and-drop interface and a vast library of graphics and animations. You can also add voiceovers, adjust timing, and export your video in various formats.
  • Biteable stands out with its diverse range of video resume templates you can customize to fit your style. The platform also provides an extensive collection of stock footage, animations, and soundtracks. And its user-friendly editor lets you adjust colors, text, and music, making it easy to produce a polished, professional video resume.
  • is a robust editing platform that provides a wider range of editing options. In addition to the standard trimming and cutting features, it also includes color grading, audio mixing, and advanced effects. And you can import your footage or use their extensive library of resources.
  • InVideo is an easy-to-use platform with a wide array of resume templates. It also comes with a library of images, videos, and music to enhance your video resume even if you don't have your own visuals. With its intuitive interface, you can effortlessly add text overlays, transition effects, and even automated voiceovers.
  • FlexClip is known for its simplicity and user-friendly features. It offers an assortment of templates and a rich media library. And you can quickly trim or split your footage, add text, music, or voiceovers, and apply transitions or animations. Plus, you can download the finished video in various resolutions according to your needs.

Time to make your mark

Remember: a good video resume isn’t about glitz and glamor. It’s about expressing your true self in a professional way. This is your opportunity to showcase your experience, skills, and unique personality. 

Embrace this creative process, knowing each step reflects your personal brand and professional journey. Take the time to plan, record, and edit your video, and you'll have a tool that sets you apart.

Ace your job search

Explore effective job search techniques, interview strategies, and ways to overcome job-related challenges. Our coaches specialize in helping you land your dream job.

Ace your job search

Explore effective job search techniques, interview strategies, and ways to overcome job-related challenges. Our coaches specialize in helping you land your dream job.

Published December 1, 2023

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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