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Rocks, pebbles, and sand analogy: How to boost productivity

April 19, 2024 - 14 min read

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What is the rocks, pebbles, and sand analogy?

How to use the rocks, pebbles, and sand time management technique

7 benefits of improving your time management skills

Prioritize to produce results

Time management and productivity don’t come naturally to everyone.

If you’re struggling to manage your workload, it might feel like a constant challenge to optimize your to-do list and fend off distractions. You might even have so much on your plate that getting everything done feels impossible.

But productivity takes more than just finishing things quickly. Trying to multitask or start your day without a plan could make you forget about large responsibilities and let small to-do list items slip through the cracks. Sometimes, all it takes to improve time management is a plan.

The rocks, pebbles, and sand analogy is a popular way to explain the differences between big and small tasks and better understand the value of planning your days. And by visualizing everything on your plate, you can learn how to prioritize tasks effectively to maximize your workday.

What is the rocks, pebbles, and sand analogy?


The rocks, pebbles, and sand analogy is a common way to illustrate the importance of allocating time wisely. It aims to prioritize critical tasks (the “rocks”) over less urgent ones (the “pebbles” and “sand”).

Imagine you have a large, empty glass jar and big rocks, medium-sized pebbles, and sand in front of you. The goal is to fit all of these items into the jar without spilling over.

If you begin by filling the jar with sand and pebbles, you’ll quickly run out of room for the larger rocks when you try to put them on top. But if you place the rocks into the jar first, you can fill the remaining empty space with pebbles and sand.

In the analogy, the large rocks represent the highest-priority items on your to-do list, the pebbles signify medium-sized tasks, and the sand symbolizes less significant matters. The space within the jar represents your time. You only have so much space in your day, so you have to be intentional about when and how you complete tasks. 

Although the original source of the rocks, pebbles, and sand analogy is unknown, it gained momentum through Stephen Covey’s “Big Rocks” video, in which he asks someone to follow the analogy in front of an audience. Covey also explored this idea in his productivity book, “First Things First,” which was published in 1993. 

Covey discussed the value of making time for big responsibilities like family, large projects, and even vacation before considering small tasks like responding to emails or going grocery shopping. He used the analogy to give busy working professionals a new outlook on how to better manage their time, specifically in the context of work-life balance

Although Covey popularized the idea in the 1990s, the message persists. Some to-dos might look different with the rise of remote work, but you can still use the big rock analogy to guide decision-making in any aspect of your life, whether that’s defining the action plan for a work project or following through on a personal goal.

How to use the rocks, pebbles, and sand time management technique

It’s frustrating and demotivating to feel like you can’t finish everything on your plate, especially if you’ve been trying to improve for a while. But according to a review from Future Healthcare Journal, it’s possible to improve your task prioritization skills with time. It just takes practice. 

By putting the effort into learning how to prioritize tasks and structure your workday effectively, you can achieve more with your time and make space to focus on yourself. Here are five steps for using the rocks, pebbles, and sand analogy to improve your time management skills:

1. Determine the size of your empty jar

It’s impossible to measure what obligations are reasonable to accomplish without knowing each task’s timeframe.

Before categorizing your duties in order of importance, take a look at each one and estimate how much time they’ll take to complete and what their deadlines are. Knowing whether you have a single workday, week, or month to finish each one can inform you of your priorities and define the size of your jar.

If you’re working as a software developer, you’ll likely have extended deadlines for intricate tasks, so you might have to spread them all out in a bigger jar. But if your job revolves around daily duties such as checking in with team members or submitting small deliverables, you’ll have a shorter timeframe for each, which makes your jar smaller and potentially harder to organize.

2. Identify your rocks


Sometimes, everything on your to-do list feels like fist-sized rocks — or even monumental boulders. Even if you know your closest deadline, it can be challenging to structure your day and productively tackle your work when your tasks overwhelm you.

Think realistically about what your rocks are in this analogy. They aren’t necessarily the most difficult or overwhelming tasks, but they’re the big responsibilities you need to uphold. They’re the items you absolutely must prioritize that have critical consequences if not completed.

To illustrate this, imagine you’re the marketing manager of a skincare company planning a product launch event. Items on your to-do list might include securing a venue, contacting vendors, and designing and sending invitations. 

In this case, securing the venue would be your top priority. Without knowing the location, you won’t know how many people the venue will hold, which informs other details like the guest list and food. That makes the venue a big rock. If you tried to decide on decor or design the invites first, the venue might still loom over you — so finish it first.

When you focus on completing big, critical tasks, you’ll avoid stress and make sure interdependent tasks happen in the right order. Spending time crushing your big rocks will help you relax and approach your other to-do list items with better peace of mind.

3. Identify your pebbles

To determine your pebbles, ask yourself which tasks on your to-do list are important but less urgent than your main priorities. These items can wait while you complete other, more important tasks. They may have later deadlines and less severe consequences for remaining incomplete, but they should still be relatively high on your list of priorities.

You may set your pebbles in motion while completing your rocks, but they shouldn’t distract your attention from your most vital work. Some examples of pebbles could be answering important yet non-urgent emails, improving current systems, or conducting research for a future presentation.

4. Identify your sand

It feels good to complete tasks, and you can finish smaller ones fast, giving you a sense of accomplishment when you cross them off. But this is what makes sand the most time-consuming and distracting type of activity.

Although your sand tasks are last on your list of priorities, they often take the most time because there are so many. You may enjoy working on them because they’re easy or low-stress, and you might even unintentionally use them to procrastinate your rocks. 

If you want to finish everything on your to-do list, you likely have to finish sand tasks last. Examples of these items could be small administrative tasks such as organizing work files, digitalizing documents, or cleaning your office space. They might also be personal filler items, like shopping for a new coat or connecting with friends on social media. You can pepper them throughout your day, but big rocks and pebbles should come first.

5. Maintain your priorities

Once you know what tasks have what weight, you can structure your to-do list in the most productive and sensical way. As you receive new tasks, ensure you’re categorizing them correctly amongst your other priorities to avoid disrupting your workflow or missing a critical deadline. 

When you reflect on your to-do list, old rocks may become pebbles next to new, larger tasks, while sand and pebbles can transition into bigger rocks. The key is to constantly check in and adjust as necessary.

To continue prioritizing tasks within the rocks, pebbles, and sand analogy, you can also:

  • Create a priority matrix or Eisenhower matrix, which categorize tasks further into four quadrants 
  • Schedule breaks to avoid burnout on busy days 
  • Practice “eating the frog” and completing dreaded tasks first to get them out of the way
  • Try habit stacking to adjust your schedule slowly and with less stress
  • Work with a coach to identify how to find better balance across your life

7 benefits of improving your time management skills


Having a good handle on your time won’t completely eliminate stress or fix your schedule on off days. But it can help you stay organized and avoid predictable setbacks. 

Here are several benefits of developing your time management skills:

  1. Reduced stress: When you know when and how to complete each task, you’ll face fewer last-minute time crunches and under-the-wire deadlines. You won’t rush to tackle urgent tasks because in most cases, you’ll have already completed them.
  2. Better focus: Extra long to-do lists are overwhelming, and it can be difficult to focus when you have too much on your mind. Allocating specific time slots for tasks and setting boundaries to limit distractions can make it easier to concentrate on the work at hand.
  3. Stronger deadlines: When you put your rocks ahead of pebbles and sand, you’ll spend most of your energy on the most pressing items first. This helps you stay ahead of tight deadlines and reliably complete the things on your to-do list.
  4. Enhanced productivity: When you improve focus and meet deadlines effectively, you’ll have enough time to finish tasks faster, improving overall productivity.
  5. Heightened job satisfaction and self-esteem: If you constantly fall behind on your tasks, you might not feel confident in your ability to do your job or balance work and life. Use the rocks, pebbles, and sand technique to improve your workflow and maintain your self-esteem.
  6. Improved work-life balance: Properly managing your time frees up moments in your day to focus on personal projects, hobbies, or spending time with friends or family. You’ll have more opportunities to focus on what you value most.

Prioritize to produce results

When you learn how to properly manage your time, you can leave the little things for later and take time both for important projects and yourself. The rocks, pebbles, and sand analogy is the perfect way to put your priorities into perspective, manage your time wisely, and boost your well-being.

Build resilience for life's challenges

Develop the skills you need to tackle life's ups and downs with confidence. A BetterUp Coach can help you build resilience, set goals, and navigate change.

Build resilience for life's challenges

Develop the skills you need to tackle life's ups and downs with confidence. A BetterUp Coach can help you build resilience, set goals, and navigate change.

Published April 19, 2024

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships.

With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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