Sat.May 18, 2024 - Fri.May 24, 2024

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10 Unseen Leadership Pitfalls When You Are Not Setting Clear Expectations

Lolly Daskal

When leaders fail to define expectations clearly, they unknowingly pave the way for various pitfalls that can hinder both individual and organizational success. As an executive leadership coach with years of experience, I’ve observed that one of the most fundamental yet often overlooked aspects of effective leadership is setting clear expectations.

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All Business Strategies Fall into 4 Categories

Harvard Business Review

The problem with strategy frameworks is that although they can help you determine whether an opportunity is attractive or whether a given strategy is likely to work, they generally don’t help you in the task of identifying the opportunity or crafting the strategy in the first place. This article introduces a framework, built on an in-depth analysis of the creativity literature, that aims to fill that gap by providing a systematic approach to identifying potential strategies.


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Content, Community, and Commerce

Peter Winick

Transcript Hi there, it’s Peter Winick and I’m the founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage. Here’s the idea that I’d like to share with you today and that’s this: there are three sort of C’s, three buckets if you will, that are really important to authors, thought leaders, academics, consultants, etc. And that’s this: there’s content, there’s community, and there’s commerce.

Energy 130
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Coaching Upgrade: 6 Essentials to Foster Trust with Clients

Michael Hyatt

Coaching comes down to trust. You can’t coach people who don’t trust you. It’s that simple. So the question is: How do you earn trust? The answer: Integrity. Demonstrate to your clients that they can count on you. Here’s how. Punctuality Show up on time. Better yet, be early, waiting for them when they arrive. […] The post Coaching Upgrade: 6 Essentials to Foster Trust with Clients appeared first on Full Focus.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Think You’re a Good Communicator? These 6 Signs Might Prove You Wrong

Lolly Daskal

Being a communicator is fundamental both in your personal and professional lives. As an executive leadership coach, I’ve witnessed the significant impact effective communication can have on leadership success. Many of you believe you are good communicators, but it’s essential to continuously assess and refine your communication skills. In this blog post, we’ll explore six signs that might suggest you’re not as adept at communication as you think.

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3 Ways to Clearly Communicate Your Company’s Strategy

Harvard Business Review

For all the communication around strategy, we know that leaders at many companies don’t provide the necessary context for employees to understand what the words and sentences in a strategy statement actually mean. What can leaders do to help employees understand enough context to understand a strategy? In this article, the authors offer three recommendations: 1) Present the alternatives considered and explain why they were not adopted. 2) Explain how each choice is linked to the organization’s p


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Best Employee Engagement Software in 2024 for Employee Surveys, Wellness, Recognition, and more

Vantage Circle

Introduction to Employee Engagement Software It is no secret that employee engagement is crucial for companies to thrive in the modern workplace. But how can you ensure engagement? What do you need to do to engage your employees? These questions might be hovering in your mind. In the tech-driven modern workplace, using technology to build employee engagement tools is rather a smart move.

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So How Can I Start to Become a More Emotionally Intelligent Leader? 

Leadership Freak

Emotionally intelligent leaders know how to win the hearts and minds of people. You want this book! The author is giving away 20 copies of, "Emotional Intelligence for dummies!" Tip: Check whether you accurately reflect the other person's feelings after they express them. Get in early on this one!

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You Need New Skills to Make a Career Pivot. Here’s How to Find the Time to Build Them.

Harvard Business Review

With any significant change in your career comes the need for new skills. But that’s even more true when you want a radical career change. In these situations, it’s going to take more than listening to a few webinars to build the knowledge you need get to where you want to go. You must set aside a significant amount of time for self-directed learning, formal training, or even a second job to gain the skills for the big leap.

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what are the strangest things you’ve seen in resumes and cover letters?

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. Let’s discuss the weirdest things you’ve seen on resumes and in cover letters. To kick us off, some highlights from past commenters: One of my coworkers once received a super long cover letter that included the fact that the candidate had been proudly celibate for several years.

Manager 100
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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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Why Leaders Solve the Wrong Problems

Thought Leaders LLC

We have been taught to find answers to problems, not to question the problem itself. Today’s guest post is b y Roger L. Firestien, Ph.D., author of SOLVE THE REAL PROBLEM: Because What You Think Is The Problem Is Usually Not The Problem. Based on my experience working with thousands of people and hundreds of organizations, when it comes to solving problems, 99% of the time what we think is the problem is actually not the problem.

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Overcoming the 4 Lies of Status

Leadership Freak

Status is more than the way others see you. It governs the way you see the world. It’s a lens you use to see yourself. Loss of standing assaults your confidence. You wonder who you are. Find answers to the deceptions of status on this post.

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3 Ways to Make a Request That Doesn’t Feel Coercive

Harvard Business Review

Research shows that people feel more pressured to agree to requests than we realize, frequently agreeing to do things they would rather not do, such as taking on burdensome, low-promotability work tasks. As a manager, what can you do to ensure that your employees aren’t taking things on because they feel like they have to, but because they actually want to?

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How To Make Cross-functional Collaboration Work

Management30 Agile and Lean Principles

What is cross-functional collaboration and how can we make it successful? This is a personal reflection on the early steps taken towards cross-functionality in 2011, and the lessons learned from over a decade of working to encourage and support collaboration among teams with diverse skills. The post How To Make Cross-functional Collaboration Work appeared first on Management 3.0.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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Why Your Professional Relationships are Important for Your Career Success

Lolly Daskal

As an executive leadership coach with years of experience, I’ve witnessed firsthand the significant impact that professional relationships can have on an individual’s career success. While skills and expertise are undoubtedly essential, the connections you build and nurture throughout your professional journey play an equally crucial role.

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How to Run Strategy Meetings Like a Pro

Leadership Freak

I’ve attended and led many strategy meetings over the years. Some were a colossal waste of time. Here are 7 ways leaders screw up strategy meetings AND 10 ways to run strategy meetings like a pro. Porter said, “The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do.

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How Artists Can Transition into the Business World

Harvard Business Review

The creator economy has given many young people an opportunity to eschew a more traditional career path and monetize their talents via social media. But, what if, you’ve discovered your priorities have evolved and you are now considering a job in the business world? The daunting process of reassessing your goals and then converting your value to this new space can feel overwhelming.

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coworkers message me “hi” with nothing else, younger coworker thinks I’m tech-illiterate, and more

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go… 1. Coworkers message me “hi” with no indication of what they need I find myself very frustrated with many of my coworkers. We use Teams, and I often receive messages that just say “Hi Name.” If I’m available, I can respond right away and get to their request.

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Revitalizing Dry Content: A Lesson in Engagement

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

We’ve all been there. You’ve been given a pile of dry content and asked to create a compelling eLearning course. You’re determined to create something more engaging than the same old course that learners quickly click through, but how do you take this “boring” content and create something relevant and engaging? Many instructional designers will say, “Boring in means boring out.

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How to Disagree with Your Boss Without Losing Your Job

Lolly Daskal

In the world of work, disagreements are inevitable. They can arise between colleagues, teams, and even between employees and their bosses. While it’s common to have differing opinions, disagreeing with your boss can be a delicate matter. Many employees fear that expressing disagreement might jeopardize their job security or harm their professional reputation.

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38 Screening Interview Questions To Help Select Top Candidates [+ Sample Answers]


On average, approximately 118 people apply for any given vacancy, but only 22% move onto the interview stage. That’s why it’s crucial to ask the right screening questions at every stage of the hiring process. So, what are screening interview questions, what are good examples of such questions, how can you ask them in different situations, and how can you best analyze responses to them?

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A Great Sales Pitch Hinges on the Right Story

Harvard Business Review

When you’re working in sales, you need to master the art of persuasion and that involves being able to tell a compelling story that explains why your product or service will meet someone’s needs. It involves listening, making an emotional connection, and thinking from the customer’s point of view. The earlier you can learn how to communicate in this way, the faster you will likely grow in your role.

Sales 123
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the summer camp cook, the cat photo, and other stories of long-running coworker grudges

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. Last week we talked about coworker arguments and grudges. Here are 15 of the most ridiculous stories you shared. 1. The cheesecake I worked for a government agency a few years back and for whatever reason right off the bat, an older coworker took a dislike to me. I have legitimately no idea why.

Manager 94
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Brain Fog HQ: Memory Enhancement Techniques for Professional Development

Speaker: Chester Santos – Author, International Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, Memory Expert, U.S. Memory Champion

In October, scientists discovered that 75% of patients who experienced brain fog had a lower quality of life at work than those who did not. At best, brain fog makes you slower and less efficient. At worst, your performance and cognitive functions are impaired, resulting in memory, management, and task completion problems. In this entertaining and interactive presentation, Chester Santos, "The International Man of Memory," will assist you in developing life-changing skills that will greatly enha

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Providing Feedback to Your Team

Thought Leaders LLC

Some leaders are uncomfortable providing feedback to their team members. Follow this feedback model to make giving feedback easier. If we want people to improve, we have to give them feedback. Giving feedback can be really difficult because we feel like we might hurt someone’s feelings. We tend to shy away from uncomfortable conversations. We don’t want to tell somebody who we really like and respect that they’re falling short in some regard.

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35 Best Employee Spotlight Questions to Ask (In 2024)


The key to an effective employee spotlight interview is drafting and asking the right employee spotlight questions. Thoughtfully designed questions prompt the interviewee to offer genuine responses that capture the audience’s attention. Employees’ voices matter; they have a profound influence on organizational culture. Employee spotlights are valuable for listening to your employees’ opinions and showcasing their career journeys within the company.

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How Your Business Should Tap into the Creator Economy

Harvard Business Review

Creators aren’t just changing marketing. They’re transforming product development, too. Creators can drive demand for specialized products, accelerating product life cycles and even changing what customers actually value. Companies that recognize the power of creators can choose from four strategies, including partnering with creators or acting as suppliers.

Marketing 120
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I got rid of my office’s furniture by mistake, is combined PTO better than separate sick and vacation time, and more

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. It’s four answers to four questions. Here we go… 1. I got rid of my office’s furniture by mistake We downsized our office recently, and I was in charge of getting rid of all the excess furniture. I’ll admit, I probably could have paid better attention in the one (one!!!

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Creating a Supportive Environment for Organizational Change

Michael McKinney

T ODAY, change management is an integral part of organizational strategy. Yet, change in any form or context tends to challenge our sense of stability and security. Whenever new concepts, methods, or ways of thinking are introduced, they are bound to come up against resistance. Apprehension about the future impedes progress and undermines well-conceived change efforts.

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3 Alarming Signs You Are Not Ready To Manage

Lolly Daskal

As an executive leadership coach with years of experience, I’ve had the privilege of working with individuals at various stages of their careers. One common aspiration that many professionals have is to step into a management role. While leadership positions can be fulfilling and rewarding, they also come with unique challenges and responsibilities.

Manager 90
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Your Team Members Aren’t Participating in Meetings. Here’s What to Do.

Harvard Business Review

Traditional advice for leaders who want to increase meeting participation call for clarifying expectations, setting clear agendas, and asking open-ended questions. While these strategies have their merits, they might not always work because they’re usually based on the leader’s assumptions about what the team needs, rather than facts about what they actually need.

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How much stress do you experience related to your personal finances?

Thought Leaders LLC

Our reader poll today asks: How much stress do you experience related to your personal finances? None. I have absolutely no worries 17.73% Some. Occasionally there are financial concerns 55.96% A lot. Financial issues regularly stress me out 16.34% Constantly. It’s an ever-present source of stress 9.97% How financially stressed are your people?

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Leading Thoughts for May 23, 2024

Michael McKinney

I DEAS shared have the power to expand perspectives, change thinking, and move lives. Here are two ideas for the curious mind to engage with: I. Judge Charles W. McCoy on keeping an open mind: “The human mind contains a door, one that either opens to new ideas or closes them out. The door swings on hinges like any other, opening as it searches for understanding and closing as it makes.

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I’m supposed to fire my husband’s ex-wife

Alison Green

This post was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. A reader writes: I have recently accepted a job I am excited about. I have been working a long time to get to this level of position. I am taking a week off before starting my new position. While I was interviewing for the new position, they mentioned that one of my potential direct reports, Maude, had only been at the company for three weeks and they were discovering she is a bit more “self-taught” than she and he

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