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You Need More Than Data to Understand Your Customers

Harvard Business Review

Today we have more data than ever before, yet marketers still struggle to understand their customers. That’s because today’s marketers have mistaken information for intimacy. The author, who ran strategy for Wieden+Kennedy, describes an ethnographic research campaign his team conducted on behalf of McDonald’s. They produced a cultural bible of sorts that chronicled a series of beliefs, artifacts, behavioral rituals, and language that constitute the McDonald’s fandom.

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21 HR Books Every HR Professional Should Read in 2024


The field of Human Resource Management (HRM) is rapidly changing. Staying up to date with the classic concepts and the latest information is more important than ever to remain relevant as an HR professional. In this article, we list 21 must-read HR books that will help you do your job better – whether you’re a seasoned HR practitioner or just getting started in the field.


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5 Body Language Habits That Sabotage Your Leadership Success

Lolly Daskal

When it comes to leadership your words are important. Your nonverbal communication can be just as influential. In fact, research has shown that nonverbal cues make up a significant portion of how we communicate and can even convey more information than the words we speak. This means that your body language can have a powerful impact on your leadership effectiveness and the success of your team.

Energy 145
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Gender Bias In The Courts: Women Are Not Believed

Forbes Leadership

Publicizing the credibility gap between men and women and making the general public outside of legal circles and law schools aware of it is necessary to help force a confrontation of these biases in the courtroom and without.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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8 Essential Qualities of Successful Leaders

Harvard Business Review

Becoming a great leader is a journey of continuous learning and growth. It’s a process — one that thrives on embracing challenges, seeking feedback, fostering connections, and cultivating understanding. In this article, the author outlines the eight most essential leadership qualities, according to Harvard Business School professor Linda Hill, one of the world’s top experts on leadership.

Manager 144
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How Managers Can Cause Low Employee Morale

Get Lighthouse

Are your employees happy? Do you feel like they're performing at a level equal to their skills and potential? Or do you find getting good work from them is like pulling teeth? Do some of them have one foot out the door (or, maybe, already left)? We're all responsible for our own thoughts and attitudes, and the same goes for your employees. Yet, too often in the workplace, the conditions we create as managers make our employees unhappy, unmotivated, and ultimately crush morale. 5 Ways You're Cont

Manager 145

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The Economics of AI

UVA Darden

The Economics of AI. burtonc. Fri, 01/06/2023 - 09:52. 6 January 2023. Operations & Technology. Global Economies & Markets. Digital Transformation. Global Economic Outlook. Business & Public Policy. The past year has seen a dramatic shift in the landscape for the economics of AI. Artificial intelligence has made remarkable progress, particularly in the space of large language models, and this progress has been faster than many (including myself) expected.

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Why Compassion In Leadership Is Critical To Your Organization’s Success

Tanveer Nasser

It seems like every day there’s another news report of yet another company mandating employees return to their office, another report of new findings about the consequences of rising employee anxiety and burnout, and more reports warning about the ever impending arrival of another economic downturn. Against that backdrop, I. Click to continue reading It seems like every day there’s another news report of yet another company mandating employees return to their office, another report of new findin

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How You Start Your Day is How You Start (and End) Your Year

Scott Elbin

How you start your day is predictive of how your day is going to end. And a consecutive series of good starts is predictive of not just how your year is going to start but also how it ends. Over the weekend, I saw a quote from country star and fellow native West Virginian Brad Paisley that inspired this post – “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book.

Energy 139
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HR won’t do anything about a coworker who’s angry about my weight loss

Alison Green

This post, HR won’t do anything about a coworker who’s angry about my weight loss , was written by Alison Green and published on Ask a Manager. A reader writes: I just came back to work after a month-long emergency medical leave. The tl:dr is that after a decade of medical gaslighting, a new doctor ordered an emergency MRI during a routine visit and discovered a mass in my abdomen.

Energy 136
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Cultivating Engagement: Strategies and Actionable Plans for Success

Speaker: Alberta Johnson

Once upon a time, in the bustling world of corporate landscapes, HR professionals like you were the unsung heroes. Your mission: to unlock the secrets of employee engagement and transform workplaces into thriving communities. 🦸 🏢 Join us in our upcoming webinar to uncover why engagement is the magic ingredient for organizational success.

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FTC Proposes New Rule Banning Noncompete Agreements

Association Now Workplace

Earlier this month, the FTC proposed a rule to ban noncompete agreements, saying they hurt workers and hinder innovation. However, the proposed rule is already encountering opposition from business groups and appears likely to face legal challenges. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently proposed a new rule that would ban employers from imposing noncompete agreements on their workers.

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How To Perform an HR SWOT Analysis


An HR SWOT Analysis enables the HR team to gain a clear view of internal and external factors impacting your operations. A thorough analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats will prepare you to create effective HR strategies. Contents What is a SWOT analysis? Why should HR perform a SWOT analysis? How HR can conduct a SWOT Analysis Tips for conducting a SWOT analysis HR SWOT analysis example What is a SWOT analysis?

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10 Powerful Things Great Leaders Should Say Every Day

Lolly Daskal

Great leaders understand the power of words. They use their words to inspire, motivate, and guide their team. They also know that the words they choose can have a significant impact on their team’s performance and morale. Here are 10 powerful things that great leaders should say every day: “Thank you.” Recognition and appreciation are crucial for building strong teams.

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Survey: 1 In 8 Florida Incoming Freshmen Plan To Flee DeSantis’s Education Policies

Forbes Leadership

Among Florida’s incoming college freshmen, dissatisfaction with Governor Ron DeSantis’s education policies runs deep—in some cases, deep enough to make them look for college opportunities in another state.

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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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Leading Change May Need to Begin with Changing Yourself

Harvard Business Review

Behavior change is hard, but it’s a skill leaders who want to succeed amid near-constant organizational change need to develop. By increasing their self-awareness, committing to change, overcoming limiting thoughts, and deliberately practicing new behaviors, leaders raise the likelihood that the change initiatives they’re tasked to lead will be successful.

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The Complete Guide to Dealing with Toxic Positivity in the Workplace

Get Lighthouse

Do you ever feel like you can't be honest at work? Like you have to put on a smile and pretend everything is fine, even when it's not? Or, do you find only positive comments are welcome, even at the expense of important news and issues? If any of those are true for you, your workplace may have a toxic positivity problem. Toxic positivity is when being upbeat is valued above all else.

Energy 137
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College Campuses Are Becoming More Diverse. But How Much Do Students from Different Backgrounds Actually Interact?

Kellogg Insight

Increasing diversity has been a key goal, “but far less attention is paid to what happens after we get people in the door.

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Trauma in the Workplace: What It Is And 5 Ways Leadership Can Help


Jump to section What is trauma in the workplace?

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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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How Leaders Can Develop Their Executive Presence To Become Better Leaders

Tanveer Nasser

If you were to ask a random group of leaders if they’d heard of executive presence, almost all of them would answer yes. But if you asked that same group of leaders how many could clearly describe what executive presence is, few if any would answer this question in the. Click to continue reading If you were to ask a random group of leaders if they’d heard of executive presence, almost all of them would answer yes.

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Whose Job Is Strategy?

Mind Tools Strategy

How would you answer the question, "whose job is strategy?" Do you arrive at a straightforward answer, or is it tricky to come to a clear view? I confess, I have been pondering this for some time and have come to the conclusion that assigning the responsibility of strategy is more complex than I first thought. I started by considering what strategic leadership involves.

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The Democratization of Understanding| Mahan Tavakoli

Peter Winick

How Generative AI can improve the flow of data and improve understanding. An interview with Mahan Tavakoli about AI in thought leadership and understanding. If Generative AI is fed all writing on the internet, then when you ask it a question, it can give you a good answer. Or at least an answer that is good enough. For this reason, good enough is no longer good enough.

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Help Your Employees Develop the Skills They Really Need

Harvard Business Review

The future of work will not be determined by technology, but by creating the right mix of education, exposure, and experience needed to develop skills and put them to work, creating a vastly more productive workplace and economy. In this article, the authors recommend a “70/20/10” learning model, in which only 10% of learning comes from formal instruction (education), 20% from social learning or mentorship (exposure), and 70% from hands-on, experiential practice with feedback (experience).

Education 143
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From Awareness to Action: An HR Guide to Making Accessibility Accessible

Speaker: Danielle Johnson - Director of HR, Compliance & DEI in AI tech at Impact Observatory

Making accessibility accessible for organizations of all sizes may seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Prepare to broaden your understanding of Disability, Cultural Competency, and Inclusion with this insightful webinar. We’ll explore disability as a vibrant culture, understand the nuances of reasonable accommodations under the ADA, and navigate the complexities of undue hardship while challenging the status quo of accessibility practices.

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5 Tactics to Combat a Culture of False Urgency at Work

Harvard Business Review

The headwinds of false urgency can be intense. But they also foster a reactive culture. If everything is urgent, there’s little opportunity for creative and deep work, which tends to flourish only when there’s time and space. In this article, the author offers tips that will help you focus on what’s truly urgent in your organization and enable your team to deliver strong results and sustain high performance over time.

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How to Evaluate a Job Candidate’s Critical Thinking Skills in an Interview

Harvard Business Review

The oldest and still the most powerful tactic for fostering critical thinking is the Socratic method, developed over 2,400 years ago by Socrates, one of the founders of Western philosophy. The Socratic method uses thought-provoking question-and-answer probing to promote learning. It focuses on generating more questions than answers, where the answers are not a stopping point but the beginning of further analysis.

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How to Get the Honest Input You Need from Your Employees

Harvard Business Review

Leaders often struggle to get complete, unfiltered information from the people around them. This wealth of unspoken information represents a great untapped resource for today’s leaders, and yet most remain at a loss for how to reliably access it. Common tactics for overcoming this problem, such as taking another’s perspective or reading their body language, simply aren’t sufficient.

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5 Ways to Develop Talent for an Unpredictable Future

Harvard Business Review

We may not know what tomorrow’s jobs will look like, but we can safely assume that when people are more curious, emotionally intelligent, resilient, driven, and intelligent, they will generally be better equipped to learn what is needed to perform those jobs, and provide whatever human value technology cannot replace. Rather than betting on specialists or forcing people into specific niches, organizations need to focus on expanding people’s talents.

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AI & DEI: With Great Opportunities Comes Great HR Responsibility

Speaker: Jen Kirkwood - Partner, Responsible HR & AI at IBM and World Economic Forum Executive Fellow

The promise of AI for today’s organizations is real, yet in a frenzied state of experimentation, many stumble to get to a full-scale enterprise. As companies race to discover what generative AI can do, HR must lead conversations about how to balance cutting-edge innovations with integrity, trust, and diversity. Globally, organizations are at a critical intersection of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and AI acceleration.

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Our Favorite Management Tips of 2023

Harvard Business Review

Our Management Tip of the Day newsletter continues to be one of HBR’s most popular newsletters. In this article, we list 10 of our favorites from 2023 — covering topics like how to get your mojo back if you’re feeling disengaged at work, questions to ask your boss in your next check-in, talking to your team about using AI, giving hard feedback, speaking with confidence when you’re put on the spot — and more.

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The Rise of the Meta City

Harvard Business Review

New York and Miami, Dubai and Cairo, the Bay Area and Austin. Pandemic-era migrations have created strong new connections between cities — and companies need to update their location strategy to keep up.

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10 Ways to Prove You’re a Strategic Thinker

Harvard Business Review

To get ahead in the business world, it’s not enough to think stategically. You also have to effectively communicate those ideas. There are several ways to do this, including elevating the conversation to focus on the big picture and broader context, being forward-looking in your comments, anticipating the effects of potential decisions, connecting disparate concepts, simplifying complex issues, using metaphors and analogies, stimultating dialogue with questions, showing you are informed, activel

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3 Traps to Avoid When Executing Your Strategy

Harvard Business Review

When executing strategy, companies typically fall into one or more of three traps: 1) They let too many people weigh in; 2)They plan a lot of activity but do not specify concrete actions; and 3) They tend not to build in accountability into execution. The result is that. lot a good strategies never take off. This article offers pointers on how to avoid the three traps.

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DEIB Reimagined: Navigating Change and Shaping the Future

Speaker: Lachandra B. Baker, MBA, CTA, CDP - Founder/Principal Consultant at LBB Edutainment, Keynote Speaker, and Author

Join us for an insightful session where we delve into the evolving landscape of DEIB. Discover the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities that have emerged over the past year and explore what lies ahead. This webinar will equip you with actionable strategies, best practices, and reflection tools to effectively lead and inspire change in your organization.