January, 2018

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Don't Let Your North Star Metric Deceive You

Brian Balfour

We’ve all heard the rallying cry of the “One Metric That Matters”. Choose your north star and focus. Grow 7% week over week. If you grow daily active users (DAUs), the rest will follow. But blindly buying into the concept of the one metric that matters (OMTM) is a fatal oversimplification. In a recent essay , Casey Winters, formerly Growth at Pinterest, says: “The search for one key metric for a complex ecosystem like Pinterest over-simplifies how the ecosystem works and prevents anyone from foc

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Want to Design User Behavior? Pass the ‘Regret Test’ First

Nir Eyal

What are the ethical responsibilities of companies that are able to manipulate human behavior on a massive scale? It’s a question one hopes technologists and designers ask themselves when building world-changing products — but one that hasn’t been asked often enough. Operant conditioning, intermittent reinforcement, the search for self-actualization — the techniques used by product […].


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How to Infuse Heart into Soul-Sucking Organizations

Leadership Freak

Heartless leaders build soul-sucking organizations. Leaders learn how to think with their heads in school. But, leaders who think with their hearts build vibrant organizations. Results.

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The Top 3 Factors Influencing Employee Satisfaction And Retention: An Interview With Colleen McCreary


How do you look at The Employee Lifecycle ? Are you detached like a seasoned clinician who views patients in terms of mechanics, or are you involved like the newly graduated nurse who is focused on the experience of the person and the wellbeing of their body? Both have the best interests of the patient in mind, but there is a difference. Of course we are not talking about birth, adolescence and adulthood.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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Is Company Culture Your Competitive Advantage or Hidden Inertia?


In thriving organizations, culture looks like (and often is) the hidden “secret sauce.” On the flip side, in failing organizations, culture is often blamed for preventing change. When we envision what the two look like, they could not appear more dissimilar in our minds. The culture of engagement, passion, and purpose versus the culture of punching clocks and sacred cows.

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Hello 2018! Books, essays, and more from the past year.

Andrew Chen

Dear readers, 2017 was a big year, where we got Trump’s first(!) year in office, a renaissance in interest around cryptocurrencies, Brexit, Puerto Rico, and oh yeah, things got a little crazy at Uber too. I want to take a moment to share some of my writing from the past year, a few books I’ve read recently, and also include stuff from the last just for completeness.

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Want to Design User Behavior? Pass the ‘Regret Test’ First

Nir Eyal

What are the ethical responsibilities of companies that are able to manipulate human behavior on a massive scale? It’s a question one hopes technologists and designers ask themselves when building world-changing products — but one that hasn’t been asked often enough. Operant conditioning, intermittent reinforcement, the search for self-actualization — the techniques used by product […] The post Want to Design User Behavior?

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Solution Saturday: Stop Giving So Many Solutions

Leadership Freak

Do you love offering solutions to other people’s problems? What if it’s ineffective, even dangerous? Don’t solve problems FOR people: Solving problems for people invites dependency.

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How to Evaluate Your Manager’s Performance (Without Guesswork)


A surprise resignation here; a rumor of resentment there… these are indications that there are problems within your management team. If this is happening, the time to take action is now. Great managers build trust , inspire individuals, and motivate teams. Bad managers breed resentment and make people want to quit. Problem is, you may not realize what’s happening until smaller managerial issues have spiraled into much bigger problems.

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Baby Steps: Breaking down vision and aspirations into digestible steps

Management30 Agile and Lean Principles

by Marjan Venema The longest journeys start with a single step. You get to where you want to go by continuing to put one foot in front of the other. My energy to keep taking those steps comes from a big vision. Over the past few years though, I’ve learned that big visions can also. The post Baby Steps: Breaking down vision and aspirations into digestible steps appeared first on Management 3.0.

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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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4 Steps to Improve New Manager Training

LSA Global

Do You Need to Improve New Manager Training? It is not easy to find an organization that does not want to improve new manager training. Why are so many leaders disappointed in the impact of their new manager training? Managers are Being Asked to do More. To increase productivity and speed up decision making, most companies have flattened their organizational structure giving their managers wider responsibility over more employees.

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Three Keys to Being a Successful Remote Team Member

Kevin Eikenberry

As a person who has worked remotely, leads a team who largely work remotely, and works with leaders of remote teams regularly, there is much advice I could share about how to be successful working remotely. That however, isn’t what this article is about. Read the title of this article again and you will […]. The post Three Keys to Being a Successful Remote Team Member appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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4 Ways to Make 2018 the Best Year of Your Life

Leadership Freak

If 2018 was your last year on earth, and you had to keep your job, what would you do differently? Brevity simplifies priority. #1. Enjoy.

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Three Ways to Change People

Leadership Freak

It’s absurd to say we can’t change people. The people in your story have changed you. You’re who you are, in part, because of them. Influence is the power to produce change. #1.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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How to Know if You’re a Manager or a Leader

Leadership Freak

You’re not managing just because you run meetings or have a title. You might own the place, but that doesn’t make you a leader.

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The Law of the Skunk

Leadership Freak

Engage in behaviors that have high return on energy, ROE. Stinky things you tolerate – but should confront – suck the life out of you. Law of the skunk: deal with stink.

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One Thing You Must Do Today and Every Day

Leadership Freak

If you can only do one thing today, connect with your team. Performance requires connection. 7 reasons for weak connection: You don’t like them. Bad memories create distance.

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3 Principles of Feedback that Works

Leadership Freak

I wrote, “Don’t give your boss feedback on his poor performance,” in, “Solution Saturday: My Boss is a Terrible Leader.” So, what makes feedback work?

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Revitalizing Dry Content: A Lesson in Engagement

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

We’ve all been there. You’ve been given a pile of dry content and asked to create a compelling eLearning course. You’re determined to create something more engaging than the same old course that learners quickly click through, but how do you take this “boring” content and create something relevant and engaging? Many instructional designers will say, “Boring in means boring out.

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How to Navigate Conflict Between Managers and Leaders

Leadership Freak

People who work together end up working against each other when goals compete and agendas collide. The goals of leadership and the challenges of management create healthy friction.

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How to Spot a Leech Before They Suck the Life Out of You and Your Team

Leadership Freak

The greatest crisis in organizational life is an energy crisis within. How to spot a bloodsucking leech: #1. Leeches always need more. The people you give the most, need the most.

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At Least 85%* are Not Self-Aware

Leadership Freak

Reject the thought that you’re self-aware. Odds are you don’t see yourself and you don’t see yourself as others see you either.

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Leadership Freak

Secret Sauce Sundays are my opportunity to invite leaders who I respect to share ideas that have changed their leadership. Today, Doug Conant shares 5 secrets to leadership success.

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Brain Fog HQ: Memory Enhancement Techniques for Professional Development

Speaker: Chester Santos – Author, International Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, Memory Expert, U.S. Memory Champion

In October, scientists discovered that 75% of patients who experienced brain fog had a lower quality of life at work than those who did not. At best, brain fog makes you slower and less efficient. At worst, your performance and cognitive functions are impaired, resulting in memory, management, and task completion problems. In this entertaining and interactive presentation, Chester Santos, "The International Man of Memory," will assist you in developing life-changing skills that will greatly enha

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“I Can’t Wait For The Next Annual Performance Evaluation”, Said No Employee Or Manager Ever!


Have you just completed the latest round of annual performance evaluations? Or are you gearing up for the next time you have to be reviewed/review others? Word on the street is that employee performance reviews are a thing of the past. But they’re not really dead for most organizations, because reviews are not devoid of all merit. Progressive companies are fitting reviews into continuous performance management philosophies that includes regular communication, employee feedback, and a process to

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How One Question Sparks Engagement

Leadership Freak

People aren’t engaged because the questions they hear are dull. Easy questions: If you’re on my team, you’re committed to constant improvement. Meetings always include, “What can we do better next time?

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How to Beat Your Inner-Critic into Submission

Leadership Freak

Inner-critics stomp around smashing hope and shattering confidence. The goal of your inner-critic is safety. The top 7 expressions of inner-critics: You should have. Inner-critics love the negative past. You screwed up.

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Think Before You Respond

Kevin Eikenberry

Have you ever responded in a conversation and wish you had said something different, differently or wished you had said nothing at all? Unless you are completely lacking in self-awareness, your answer to that question is assuredly yes, and probably true most everyday of your life. The reason for our regret is sometimes about the […]. The post Think Before You Respond appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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Nearly 50% of Upper-Level Managers Avoid Holding People Accountable

Leadership Freak

46% of upper-level managers are rated “too little” on the item, “Holds people accountable … ” (HBR) You missed the point if accountability is: Coercing reluctance to do things it isn’t committed to… Continue reading →

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7 Secrets to High Performance

Leadership Freak

Challenges to high performance include entitlement, unfocused energy, and soul-sucking systems. Questions that expose high performers: #1 What makes you think you want to be a high performer?

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How to Own Your Wake

Leadership Freak

Leaders struggle to see themselves through the eyes of others. You enhance your impact on others AFTER you acknowledge your impact ON others.

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How to Build a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility

Leadership Freak

This post is based on my conversation with Patty McCord, former Chief Talent Officer at Netflix and author of Powerful. “People have power; don’t take it away.

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Beyond Peter Drucker’s Five Most Important Questions

Leadership Freak

Peter Drucker believed the five most important questions you will ever ask about your organization are: What is our Mission? Who is our Customer? What does the Customer Value? What are our Results?

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The Law of the Leech

Leadership Freak

Leechology should be a course in business school. If you’ve been around leadership very long, you know what it’s like to have someone sucking the life out of you and your team.

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