Sun.Dec 10, 2023

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What Transparency Means Now for Leaders

Association Now Leadership

More executives are playing the role of official spokesperson at their organizations, especially on tough topics. But going it alone isn’t always the best tactic. The past few years may well be remembered as a time when transparency was a major source of concern for leaders and their stakeholders. Like you, I probably consumed too much information about what Elon Musk was and wasn’t being forthright about at X; meanwhile, the calls for leaders to be more open, either in the name of recruitment a

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On Co-Founder Decision-Making

Ed Batista

Many of my clients are company founders, and many of them have co-founders. A theme in my work with these clients is the importance of determining how certain decisions should be made. This is an issue that all leaders and executive teams must address, but there are some distinctive aspects of the co-founder relationship that merit special consideration.