Sat.Feb 17, 2024 - Fri.Feb 23, 2024

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5 must dos + pitfalls to avoid when it comes to leading change

Suzi McAlpine

Change is the only constant; it’s a cliché because it’s true. If you feel like the rate of change in your organisation is accelerating, you’re not imagining it. The research now supports it. In 2022, employees experienced an average of ten planned enterprise changes – things from restructures, to culture transformations, to technology switches. And,… The post 5 must dos + pitfalls to avoid when it comes to leading change first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership.

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Take Your Thought Leadership to the Next Level with Peter Winick

Peter Winick

Source: Take Your Thought Leadership to the Next Level – All Things Book Marketing Podcast – Smith Publicity, Inc. Information provided source: “Peter Winick, Founder and CEO of Thought Leadership Leverage and host of the Leveraging Thought Leadership podcast, breaks down the hot topic of thought leadership with definitions, descriptions, and examples.

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How to Make Peace with a Company Decision You Don’t Like

Harvard Business Review

In our work, there are times when we lead but there are also times when we must follow — and we may not always agree with the path we’re told to follow. We may feel “stuck” in anger, anxiety, and confusion. But, we want to demonstrate resilience to our team and we want to maintain a good relationship with management. So, how do we forge ahead and follow with grace?

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Discover the 4 Powerful Tactics to Build a Resilient Organization

Lolly Daskal

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business environment, building a resilient organization is more critical than ever. The ability to anticipate, prepare for, respond to, and adapt to disruptions is a key factor in ensuring your organization’s long-term success. Lets explore the four powerful tactics that can help you build a resilient organization that can thrive in the face of challenges.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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Listening with Eyes Wide Open: Harmonizing Voice-of-Customer and AI Insights for CEO Success

Chief Outsiders

In my experience, growth successes and challenges almost always have some foundation in voice-of-customer (VoC). That’s a sweeping statement, but as a CEO if you lack up-to-date insight into what your customers want and need, how they anticipate that changing, and how they think of your brand, your offerings, and your competition, you may be running your company with your hearing impaired.

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Ahh, that’s a great question!

Peter Winick

Transcript Hi, it’s Peter Winick. I’m the founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage. Here’s the idea that I’d like to share with you today, and that’s this: When was the last time, when you were having a conversation with a prospect or a client, where they actually paused and said, “Wow, that’s a great question”?


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7 Questions for Every Visionary Leader to Ask Themselves

Lolly Daskal

Visionary leaders are the driving force behind innovation and progress. They possess a unique ability to see beyond the horizon, envisioning a future that others might not yet comprehend. To ensure that their vision aligns with reality and is effectively translated into action, visionary leaders must continually evaluate their path and approach. Here are seven crucial questions that every visionary leader should ask themselves.

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10 Questions Reveal Trustworthy Leaders

Leadership Freak

Seth Godin said, “Earn trust, earn trust, earn trust. Then you can worry about the rest.” Be trustworthy if you aspire to lead. Here are 10 questions that reveal trustworthy leaders. Plus, 5 simple ways to be trustworthy.

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Navigating the Choppy Waters of Recession: A Healthcare Marketing Survival Guide

Chief Outsiders

As the dark clouds of economic recession gather on the 2024 horizon, healthcare companies must brace for the choppiness ahead. It's no secret that the healthcare sector, once deemed recession-proof, now faces the stark reality of financial strain, with more than half of hospitals already operating in the red. This alarming statistic not only signifies the urgency for change but also beckons a strategic pivot in how healthcare entities approach marketing.

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The Long-Term Costs of Wind Turbines

Harvard Business Review

Wind energy is experiencing a boom, but in a pattern eerily reminiscent of the nineteenth century Pennsylvania oil boom, wind farms are building ever larger turbines to farm wind energy further and further from shore. This trend carries risks, especially as turbines come with largely hidden costs. Increasing evidence suggests that although larger turbines can capture more energy, at a certain point the costs of maintaining and decommissioning large turbines located far offshore will outweigh the

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Cultivating Engagement: Strategies and Actionable Plans for Success

Speaker: Alberta Johnson

Once upon a time, in the bustling world of corporate landscapes, HR professionals like you were the unsung heroes. Your mission: to unlock the secrets of employee engagement and transform workplaces into thriving communities. 🦸 🏢 Join us in our upcoming webinar to uncover why engagement is the magic ingredient for organizational success.

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Elevate Your Leadership Game: 3 Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Success

Lolly Daskal

Leadership is not just about being in charge; it’s about inspiring and guiding your team towards success. Elevating your leadership game requires a deep understanding of what works and what doesn’t. Here we will explore three essential “Do’s” and “Don’ts” that can help you become a more effective and successful leader.

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Empathy: The Top Leadership Skill for Today’s Work Environment

Michael McKinney

A S workplace cultures evolve, we must specifically prioritize the needs of each human being. An empathetic approach to organizational culture has been proven to have positive business outcomes. Recently, a large study ranked empathy as the most important leadership skill in the workplace. Empathy has been shown to drive positive business results and has numerous therapeutic effects on stressed employees.

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The Case for Board Diversity

Association Now Leadership

As DEI efforts face increased criticism, board diversity has stalled. To get back on track, remember why these efforts have such power in the first place. This is a tricky time for conversations around board diversity. Organizations generally grasp the importance of broadening the pool of volunteer leaders: It creates space for new ideas, makes organizations more representative of their membership, and helps avoid internal toxicity.

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How Leaders Miscommunicate When Tensions Are High

Harvard Business Review

When tensions run high, miscommunication is far more likely to occur. And tensions are likely high: In a recent global survey, 44% of employees reported they had experienced a lot of stress the previous day. To avoid creating unnecessary anxiety during times of uncertainty, leaders need to be especially thoughtful about how they communicate with their teams.

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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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7 Ways Successful Leaders Can Create a Culture of Diverse Thinking

Lolly Daskal

Successful leaders understand that a culture of diverse thinking fosters innovation, problem-solving, and ultimately, business growth. Here seven effective strategies that successful leaders can employ to create and nurture a culture of diverse thinking within their teams. Lead by Example: Effective leaders lead by example, and this applies to promoting diverse thinking as well.

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5 Ways to Find Happiness at Work

Leadership Freak

Happiness at work escapes you when you think, "I'll be happy when." I’ll be happy when I earn a promotion. I’ll be happy when I’m on vacation. Desire runs one step ahead of attainment. 5 ways to find happy at work.

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13 HR Quotes To Inspire and Motivate HR Professionals in 2024


When you Google “HR Quotes”, you get more than three hundred million results. Many of these are quotes we have come across all too often, though, and as a result, they have lost their inspirational or motivational effect. In this article, we share a selection of HR quotes that will inspire and motivate you. Most of them come from our very own Subject Matter Experts and AIHR’s People Team!

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How a Well-Executed Social Initiative Strengthens Your Brand

Harvard Business Review

In the modern competitive business environment, innovative social initiatives offer a unique avenue for growth, customer loyalty, and employee engagement, often overlooked by organizations. Traditional social efforts like standard volunteering and environmental goals lack impact due to their inability to establish a unique and emotionally engaging identity.

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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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29 Benefits of Coaching for Individuals and Businesses to Thrive


There are lots of products and services out there that claim to change your life — coaching might be the one thing that actually delivers on this promise. The benefits of coaching reach beyond the superficial and are as flexible as you need them to be. A friend of mine was ready to quit her job. Two months after coming back from maternity leave, she was stressed and unhappy.

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Conversation Starters that Strengthen Relationships

Leadership Freak

Thin relationships make everything slower, harder, and less fulfilling. Successful leaders strengthen relationships between others. They also know how to strengthen relationships with others. In this post: The #1 commitment to strengthen relationships. Personal and team conversation starters.

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19 HR Metrics Examples: Making Data-Driven Decisions in 2024


HR metrics provide a data-driven approach to managing human capital, offer insights into the effectiveness of HR practices, and ultimately predict the future. This has a direct impact on organizational success. Let’s take a look at the commonly used HR metrics and how you can track and utilize them in your organization. This list is by no means exhaustive.

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How Co-Leaders Succeed

Harvard Business Review

Co-leadership, where an executive, department, or team leadership role is shared, can result in more creative and strategic problem solving and wiser decision making. But it can also lead to unhealthy game playing in the pursuit of dominance and positioning for the next role, resulting in organizational misalignment, inertia, and confusion. It doesn’t have to be this way.

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From Awareness to Action: An HR Guide to Making Accessibility Accessible

Speaker: Danielle Johnson - Director of HR, Compliance & DEI in AI tech at Impact Observatory

Making accessibility accessible for organizations of all sizes may seem complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Prepare to broaden your understanding of Disability, Cultural Competency, and Inclusion with this insightful webinar. We’ll explore disability as a vibrant culture, understand the nuances of reasonable accommodations under the ADA, and navigate the complexities of undue hardship while challenging the status quo of accessibility practices.

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Policy vs Process vs Procedure: Key Differences (+ Examples)

Sweet Process

Last Updated on February 22, 2024 by Owen McGab Enaohwo Start your free 14-day trial of SweetProcess No credit card needed. Cancel anytime. Click Here To Try it for Free. Every organization needs a structured and organized environment that fosters efficiency, consistency, compliance, continuous improvement, and growth. One proven way to ensure this is by […] The post Policy vs Process vs Procedure: Key Differences (+ Examples) appeared first on SweetProcess.

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7 Ways to Prepare for One-On-Ones Like a Pro

Leadership Freak

Beginnings shape endings. Lack of preparation allows toxic habits to contaminate one-on-ones. Poorly done one-on-ones are a destructive waste of time. Don't bother having one-on-ones if you aren't going to prepare. Here are 7 ways to prepare for one-on-ones like a pro.

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Leadership Lessons From Lisa Lutoff-Perlo's Accomplished Career

Eric Jacobson

Today brings the new and inspiring book, Making Waves , by Lisa Lutof-Perlo. You will follow the impressive career journey of Lutoff-Perlo, from her stories as an ambitious young woman to first women President and CEO of Celebrity Cruises to Vice Chairman for External Affairs at Royal Caribbean Group. In the book, she reveals how she navigated an extraordinary four-decade journey with boundless energy, quick wit, and the pursuit of excellence in the face of adversity.

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Preparing Your Team for a Year of Intense Political Polarization

Harvard Business Review

To be sure, the year ahead is going to bring even greater levels of social and political conflict than 2023. Shaping an environment that allows people to productively exchange opposing views and maintain mutual respect in the face of deeply personal differences is no small task. Further, some of those delicate viewpoints may be your own. Figuring out how much you can personally share without tipping the team’s dynamics can be even trickier.

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AI & DEI: With Great Opportunities Comes Great HR Responsibility

Speaker: Jen Kirkwood - Partner, Responsible HR & AI at IBM and World Economic Forum Executive Fellow

The promise of AI for today’s organizations is real, yet in a frenzied state of experimentation, many stumble to get to a full-scale enterprise. As companies race to discover what generative AI can do, HR must lead conversations about how to balance cutting-edge innovations with integrity, trust, and diversity. Globally, organizations are at a critical intersection of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and AI acceleration.

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Five Ways To Make Innovation Teams More Successful

Thought Leaders LLC

Gain insights on the unique nature of innovation teams and the implications for building and supporting them. Today’s guest post is b y Helene Cahen, author of FIRE UP INNOVATION: Sparking And Sustaining Innovation Teams. When working with or in an innovation team, it is essential to consider the unique nature of innovation and its implication in building and supporting the team.

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12 Ways to Dance with Disappointment

Leadership Freak

Disappointment looks like, anger, fear, fatigue, loss of interest, insecurity, low motivation, and/or guilt. This post offers 12 practical ways to dance with disappointment. One of them may work for you.

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Leading Thoughts for February 22, 2024

Michael McKinney

I DEAS shared have the power to expand perspectives, change thinking, and move lives. Here are two ideas for the curious mind to engage with: I. Christina Maslach and Michael P. Leiter on the source of burnout: “We believe burnout is the result of a mismatch between employee and workplace. Burnout is best conceptualized as a relationship problem—an issue with the fit, or match, between the person and the job.

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5 Ways to Prepare for Situational Interview Questions

Harvard Business Review

When interviewing for a new job, anticipating and preparing answers in writing to the most common situational questions — such as how you solved a big problem, aligned stakeholders on a project, influenced someone to think a different way, worked with difficult personalities, or met a tight deadline — will ensure your answers are crisp and clear. Knowing exactly how you will approach common situational questions will help you stay calm and focused on highlighting how your unique strengths and ex

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DEIB Reimagined: Navigating Change and Shaping the Future

Speaker: Lachandra B. Baker, MBA, CTA, CDP - Founder/Principal Consultant at LBB Edutainment, Keynote Speaker, and Author

Join us for an insightful session where we delve into the evolving landscape of DEIB. Discover the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities that have emerged over the past year and explore what lies ahead. This webinar will equip you with actionable strategies, best practices, and reflection tools to effectively lead and inspire change in your organization.