Tue.Oct 17, 2023

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Are high performers more at risk of burnout?

Suzi McAlpine

When it comes to burnout, one of the most common myths is that if you suffer from burnout, you’re either mentally weak, can’t handle stress, or a poor performer. The research shows unequivocally that this is not the case. In fact, it could be your most passionate and highest-performing employees who are most at risk of… The post Are high performers more at risk of burnout?

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5 Tactics to Combat a Culture of False Urgency at Work

Harvard Business Review

The headwinds of false urgency can be intense. But they also foster a reactive culture. If everything is urgent, there’s little opportunity for creative and deep work, which tends to flourish only when there’s time and space. In this article, the author offers tips that will help you focus on what’s truly urgent in your organization and enable your team to deliver strong results and sustain high performance over time.

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How to Get Out of the Executive Meeting Spin Cycle

Scott Elbin

The number one complaint I hear from my senior executive coaching clients is the number of meetings they find themselves in every day. Their calendars are so racked and stacked they feel like they’re stuck in a spin cycle of conversations which leaves little to no time for strategic thinking or action. If this condition sounds familiar, here are seven simple steps you can take to get yourself out of the executive meeting spin cycle: Demand Clear Objectives : When you’re asked to attend a meeting

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10 Emotions That Are Undervalued in the Workplace

Harvard Business Review

In addition to being powerful tools of persuasion and influence, emotions ground us in our humanity and give us important data about our environments.

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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The Importance of a Functional C-Suite in Challenging Economic Times

Chief Outsiders

I chuckled when I saw that memorable gummy bear commercial, featuring a board room filled with adult executives talking like toddlers about the chewy treats. Though achieving consensus-by-gummy-bear may work on television, we should be smart enough to know that the last place for petulant, child-like behavior is the C-suite. Yet I have seen my share of “Executive-Level Dysfunction” (ELD) in my years as a sales and marketing executive, and the results are predictable: Quagmires.

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Do You Manage Too Many People?

Harvard Business Review

The more direct reports you have, the harder it is to give each of them personal attention. Yes, you’re stretched thin and you’ve got a lot on your plate, but when you come across as too busy for your employees, you make them feel as if they don’t matter. So how can you be a supportive manager if you manage a large team? It comes down to giving your team members agency and autonomy.

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Best Practices for Engaging a Multigenerational Workforce

Harvard Business Review

People have the potential to live longer than ever before, which is prompting workers to rethink their time in the workforce relative to retirement. Many workers — whether by choice or by necessity — now seek to extend their working lives beyond the traditional retirement age. An individual’s working years can now span six or more decades. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that almost one in four workers will be age 55 or older by 2031 and that age 65-plus workers represent the faste

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The Top 5 Dysfunctional Behaviors That Leaders Should Avoid

Lolly Daskal

Dysfunctional leadership behavior can be harmful to an organization. It can undermine the trust and confidence of its employees, disrupt team dynamics, and lead to poor decision-making and negative outcomes. Nevertheless, we all know leaders who have dysfunctional behaviors, and here are the top five which must be avoided at all cost: Micromanaging: When a leader closely supervises and controls every aspect of their team’s work, this can create a sense of mistrust and insecurity among team

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5 Best Career Page Examples To Inspire Yours in 2024


Looking for transformative career page examples that align with today’s dynamic job landscape? According to the Global Talent Trends report , U.S. LinkedIn members who changed jobs surged by 40%. As employees continue to prioritize flexibility, company culture, and wellbeing, a top-notch career page is essential to showcase your organization’s benefits and strong employer brand.

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Purposeful Abandonment: How to Let Go of What Holds you Back

Leadership Freak

You won’t grow until you purposefully abandon what holds you back. How to practice purposeful abandonment?

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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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Webinar | Unraveling Workplace Dynamics: Insights from Humanizing the Workplace 


In our recent webinar titled Humanizing the Workplace: The Key to Finding and Keeping Top Talent , experts Regina Martins and Birge Kahraman delved into the essential aspects of fostering a positive work environment. The discussion revolved around the challenges organizations face when transitioning to remote work and the importance of humanizing the workplace when it comes to attracting and retaining top talent.

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Tools for Managers to Help Employees with Their Mental Health Challenges

Harvard Business Review

A conversation with a psychologist and a management professor on helping workers address anxiety or depression.

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5 Secrets To Running an Unforgettable Off-Site With a Great ROI


Think about the last time you received an invite to an off-site. Did you feel a sudden rush of excitement at connecting with colleagues and growing your skills? Or was it more of a creeping sense of dread, as you imagined sitting on a plane just to waste a few days in a conference room? If it’s the latter, then your organization needs to rework how it plans these events.

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5 Leadership Lessons: The Leader’s Voice

Michael McKinney

L EADERS HELP FOLLOWERS find causes worth signing up for—something they can make an emotional investment in. That highlights the importance of leadership communication. Effective leaders communicate who they are and move the whole organization. Boyd Clarke and Ron Crossland are the ones who said, “The biggest problem with leadership communication is the illusion that it has occurred.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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Drugstore Association Launches Partnership to Boost Health Screenings in Pharmacies

Association Now Leadership

The Nourish My Health initiative is designed to help pharmacy customers learn more about healthy diets and receive baseline wellness tests. The National Association of Chain Drug Stores has partnered with multiple health groups to ramp up basic health screenings at neighborhood pharmacies. The program, called Nourish My Health, was launched last month by NACDS in collaboration with the American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, and the Food Is Medicine In

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Leading Indicators: How to Create a Leading KPI with Examples

Rhythm Systems Growth

When thinking about the most important numbers to measure in your business, most of our clients have no trouble coming up with a list of results they want to achieve. The usual suspects are Revenue, Profit, EBITDA, # of customers, employees, locations, etc. These Result Indicator KPIs are important - you need to think about the results you want to achieve in your business and set those targets.

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544 | Struggling With Information Gaps

Chris LoCutro

Are You Listening To Me Or Just Hearing Me Out? Have you ever found yourself in a conversation where something just didn’t quite click? Maybe a miscommunication, a perplexing moment of misunderstanding, or that awkward feeling of information slipping through the cracks. We’ve all been there, and we believe there’s a fascinating world to explore within these everyday interactions.

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SharePoint vs. SweetProcess: Which Software Better Documents and Manages Your Processes?

Sweet Process

Last Updated on October 25, 2023 by Owen McGab Enaohwo Start your free 14-day trial of SweetProcess No credit card needed. Cancel anytime. Click Here To Try it for Free. Are you in a situation where SharePoint has left you wanting more? SharePoint is not a bad tool per se, and most companies have a […] The post SharePoint vs. SweetProcess: Which Software Better Documents and Manages Your Processes?

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Revitalizing Dry Content: A Lesson in Engagement

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

We’ve all been there. You’ve been given a pile of dry content and asked to create a compelling eLearning course. You’re determined to create something more engaging than the same old course that learners quickly click through, but how do you take this “boring” content and create something relevant and engaging? Many instructional designers will say, “Boring in means boring out.

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What’s Professional Coaching, and How Can It Benefit You?


Jump to section What’s professional coaching? What does a professional coach do? What doesn’t a professional coach do? Types of professional coaching Why is professional coaching in high demand? Coach versus mentor: What’s the difference?

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SharePoint vs. SweetProcess: Which Software Better Documents and Manages Your Processes?

Sweet Process

Last Updated on October 17, 2023 by Owen McGab Enaohwo Start your free 14-day trial of SweetProcess No credit card needed. Cancel anytime. Click Here To Try it for Free. Are you in a situation where SharePoint has left you wanting more? SharePoint is not a bad tool per se, and most companies have a […] The post SharePoint vs. SweetProcess: Which Software Better Documents and Manages Your Processes?

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7 Customer Service Resume Examples + Best Practices

Help Scout Leadership

Struggling to write a customer service resume? In this article, we share seven different customer service resume examples that cover a variety of roles.