October, 2023

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Whose Job Is Strategy?

Mind Tools Strategy

How would you answer the question, "whose job is strategy?" Do you arrive at a straightforward answer, or is it tricky to come to a clear view? I confess, I have been pondering this for some time and have come to the conclusion that assigning the responsibility of strategy is more complex than I first thought. I started by considering what strategic leadership involves.

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3 lessons for leaders to navigate conflict

Suzi McAlpine

If there’s one thing that’ll get most managers in a pickle, it’s dealing with conflict in their team. That tug of war. The slight that’s festering. The miscommunication that’s led to simmering, surly and sulky. The bun fight that’s bigger than Ben Hur… Most of us (me included) would rather sidestep the whole messy thing… The post 3 lessons for leaders to navigate conflict first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership.

Manager 250

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10 Ways to Prove You’re a Strategic Thinker

Harvard Business Review

To get ahead in the business world, it’s not enough to think stategically. You also have to effectively communicate those ideas. There are several ways to do this, including elevating the conversation to focus on the big picture and broader context, being forward-looking in your comments, anticipating the effects of potential decisions, connecting disparate concepts, simplifying complex issues, using metaphors and analogies, stimultating dialogue with questions, showing you are informed, activel

Manager 121
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Using Inclusive Language to Communicate More Effectively| Dr. Suzanne Wertheim

Peter Winick

Making complex ideas accessible and relatable An interview with Dr. Suzanne Wertheim on how the language we use can make or break relationships and deals. Part of thought leadership is making the invisible, visible. When that happens, it can challenge beliefs and make people uncomfortable and defensive. So, how can you break through feelings, and make change deeply significant to that future?

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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21 HR Books Every HR Professional Should Read in 2024


The field of Human Resource Management (HRM) is rapidly changing. Staying up to date with the classic concepts and the latest information is more important than ever to remain relevant as an HR professional. In this article, we list 21 must-read HR books that will help you do your job better – whether you’re a seasoned HR practitioner or just getting started in the field.

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The Complete Guide to Dealing with Toxic Positivity in the Workplace

Get Lighthouse

Do you ever feel like you can't be honest at work? Like you have to put on a smile and pretend everything is fine, even when it's not? Or, do you find only positive comments are welcome, even at the expense of important news and issues? If any of those are true for you, your workplace may have a toxic positivity problem. Toxic positivity is when being upbeat is valued above all else.

Energy 137

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Not your usual leadership blog

Suzi McAlpine

I was supposed to write a leadership blog for you today. But when I came to write it this afternoon, I had nothing. Instead, I wanted to tell you about the holiday I’ve just spent with my whanau. There was nothing spectacularly different about this holiday. It’s one we take every year in September to… The post Not your usual leadership blog first appeared on Suzi McAlpine | The Art of Leadership.

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Help Your Employees Develop the Skills They Really Need

Harvard Business Review

The future of work will not be determined by technology, but by creating the right mix of education, exposure, and experience needed to develop skills and put them to work, creating a vastly more productive workplace and economy. In this article, the authors recommend a “70/20/10” learning model, in which only 10% of learning comes from formal instruction (education), 20% from social learning or mentorship (exposure), and 70% from hands-on, experiential practice with feedback (experience).

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Creating Engagement for Ideas | Scott Gould

Peter Winick

Understanding engagement and how ideas connect with an audience. An interview with Scott Gould about defining engagement and refining ideas for the greatest impact. How does a thought leader get an audience to take notice, remember, and actively use the content you are putting out? To get a firm grasp of exactly what engagement means and how to get your audience there, I’ve invited Scott Gould to join me.

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How to Get Out of the Executive Meeting Spin Cycle

Scott Elbin

The number one complaint I hear from my senior executive coaching clients is the number of meetings they find themselves in every day. Their calendars are so racked and stacked they feel like they’re stuck in a spin cycle of conversations which leaves little to no time for strategic thinking or action. If this condition sounds familiar, here are seven simple steps you can take to get yourself out of the executive meeting spin cycle: Demand Clear Objectives : When you’re asked to attend a meeting

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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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How to Take Criticism in Stride

Association Now Leadership

Executives take a lot of pushback, but don’t always handle it well. A key step is to create an environment where critics know they’ll be heard. No CEO takes the top job expecting to always be agreed with. But the reasons that a CEO can receive criticism are more robust and intense than ever, from return-to-office policies to political stances to unusual hobbies that some consider a distraction. ( Insensitive social-media posts can invite brickbats too , even on relatively calm venues like Linked

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ChatGPT for People Analytics: A Practical Guide With Examples


HR professionals who harness ChatGPT for people analytics gain a powerful tool for extracting meaningful insight from the vast amounts of data being collected. With its ability to comprehend language and generate text, ChatGPT can participate in a conversation that simplifies your efforts to leverage data effectively. In this article, we’ll explain how to use ChatGPT to analyze and interpret people analytics data for improved HR strategies and decision-making.

B2B 114
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Lead with Wonder

Mark Sandborn

In the hectic pace of daily life, it’s easy to lose our sense of wonder. But there is a remarkable power in cultivating wonder—the ability to experience awe, curiosity, and a childlike sense of marvel. By embracing it, we can infuse our lives with joy, inspiration, and appreciation for the world around us. And ultimately, wonder makes a leader more effective.

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5 Types of Manipulators at Work

Harvard Business Review

Lots of variables influence our day-to-day decision making — though perhaps none more potently than the attitudes and preferences of other people. The human instinct to seek belonging with others helps us collaborate and build systems and societies. But it also gives ill-intentioned people an opening to mislead, lull, and even coerce us into serving their interests instead of our own.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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Taking New Ideas to Market | Pete O’Heeron

Peter Winick

Going from idea to prototype, to marketable product. An interview with Pete O’Heeron about pushing the envelope of science to bring cutting edge offerings to the market. How do you get people to think about new ideas? And then, how do you move your audience from thinking – to buying? To examine how ideas go from brainstorming to industry-changing, I’ve invited Pete O’Heeron to join me for today’s podcast.

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7 Essential Leadership Skills for Leading Successful Teams

Lolly Daskal

Being a leader is a challenging role that requires a wide range of skills and abilities. From communicating effectively to motivating and inspiring others, there are many different elements that go into leading a successful team. The right leadership skills can make all the difference when it comes to achieving a team’s goals, fostering a positive work environment, and driving long-term success.

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Why Mentors Need Training Too

Association Now Leadership

Mentorship programs have become a staple for many associations. But expertise alone doesn’t guarantee a well-rounded mentor. That’s why the American Chemical Society offers a mentor training program. Based on their experience and expertise, mentors offer helpful guidance and feedback to their mentees. But who mentors the mentors on how to be effective in their role?

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Analyze Your Current Customers to Supercharge Your 2024 Annual Business Planning

Chief Outsiders

Article 2 of the 7-part series: Accelerating Growth In 2024 with Strategic Business Planning By: Scott Wright and Jack Bowen When we ask our clients why customers buy from them, much of the time, they either don’t know, or are completely off-base about the reason. In an uber-competitive marketplace and with so much at stake, this inability to define why people should buy your product or service can be a fatal misstep.

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Revitalizing Dry Content: A Lesson in Engagement

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

We’ve all been there. You’ve been given a pile of dry content and asked to create a compelling eLearning course. You’re determined to create something more engaging than the same old course that learners quickly click through, but how do you take this “boring” content and create something relevant and engaging? Many instructional designers will say, “Boring in means boring out.

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We Asked, You Answered: How Does Your Organization Support Mental Well-Being?

Association Now Workplace

World Mental Health Day took place earlier this month. With that in mind, we asked readers what their organizations are doing to nurture a workplace culture that values mental health. Here’s a roundup of some of their responses. According to the American Psychological Association’s 2023 Work in America Survey , 77 percent of workers having reported experiencing work-related stress in the last month.

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Project Managers, Unlock the Power of Timeboxing

Harvard Business Review

Modern work is inherently project-based and collaborative. We are all project managers to some extent. From film directors and restaurant owners to lawyers and accountants, many professions involve managing projects. For everyone, not just project managers, mastering timeboxing can be a gateway to bridging the gap between intention and execution. You’re probably already timeboxing, at least a little.

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Scaling Ideas for Impact | Jennifer Dulski

Peter Winick

Using technology to take ideas to scale. An interview with Jennifer Dulski about taking ideas to scale through publishing, social media, and technology. Thought leaders are often torn between scale and depth. Scale allows you to reach a large audience, while depth allows you to have massive impact. So, where’s the happy medium? Today’s guest is Jennifer Dulski, the CEO and founder of Rising Team which blends experience and science to help leaders ensure people on their teams feel valued, m

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How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview


Learning how to introduce yourself in an interview is about balancing personality and professionalism. Here are six tips for a winning introduction.

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Brain Fog HQ: Memory Enhancement Techniques for Professional Development

Speaker: Chester Santos – Author, International Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, Memory Expert, U.S. Memory Champion

In October, scientists discovered that 75% of patients who experienced brain fog had a lower quality of life at work than those who did not. At best, brain fog makes you slower and less efficient. At worst, your performance and cognitive functions are impaired, resulting in memory, management, and task completion problems. In this entertaining and interactive presentation, Chester Santos, "The International Man of Memory," will assist you in developing life-changing skills that will greatly enha

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How to Repair a Toxic Board

Association Now Leadership

A new report on boards suggests their culture needs a rethink. Key to that is assessing where disagreements are and creating opportunities to debate. Association boards are paradoxical creatures. They exist to create a consensus around an organization’s priorities, but they are also meant to foster robust debate around challenging issues. Drift too far toward consensus, and you risk a rubber-stamp board.

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The Importance of a Functional C-Suite in Challenging Economic Times

Chief Outsiders

I chuckled when I saw that memorable gummy bear commercial, featuring a board room filled with adult executives talking like toddlers about the chewy treats. Though achieving consensus-by-gummy-bear may work on television, we should be smart enough to know that the last place for petulant, child-like behavior is the C-suite. Yet I have seen my share of “Executive-Level Dysfunction” (ELD) in my years as a sales and marketing executive, and the results are predictable: Quagmires.

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Decoding Self-Serving Bias: A Spy’s Guide to Clear Thinking

Nir Eyal

One Sunday morning early in my career, I arrived at work to find a colleague of mine already there. We were working on a critical piece of software for an upcoming covert operation. He approached me shortly after I sat down at my desk. “That code you were writing was supposed to be done two days ago,” he said. “The operation is tonight, and we can’t go without you.

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5 Tactics to Combat a Culture of False Urgency at Work

Harvard Business Review

The headwinds of false urgency can be intense. But they also foster a reactive culture. If everything is urgent, there’s little opportunity for creative and deep work, which tends to flourish only when there’s time and space. In this article, the author offers tips that will help you focus on what’s truly urgent in your organization and enable your team to deliver strong results and sustain high performance over time.

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Learning to Lose Powerfully | Don Schmincke

Peter Winick

Turning failure into a learning opportunity for growth. An interview with Don Schmincke about becoming blinded by the tools we use and making the best of entrepreneurial losses. What happens when the tools we use to analyze and take control of our environments become the cause of our destruction? Is your company using the tools they have at their disposal?

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Can We Build a Better Prescription Drug Market?

Kellogg Insight

Medicare will soon be able to negotiate directly with drug makers. But one economist explains why “the goal should be to increase value, not just lower prices.

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Report: Association Execs Have Long-Term Concerns About Economy, AI, More

Association Now Leadership

A newly released McKinley Advisors report identified the five most prominent trends facing executives in the next decade. Association leaders will face challenges in five key areas across the next decade, according to a new survey. Earlier this year, association consultancy McKinley Advisors asked association executives, “What major trends or changes do you expect to occur within the field or industry your association represents over the next five to 10 years?

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Accelerating Growth In 2024 with Strategic Business Planning | Part 1

Chief Outsiders

Article #1: Why You Can’t Afford to Cut Your Marketing Investment for 2024 By: Scott Wright and Jack Bowen In an era dominated by rapid change and economic unpredictability, businesses often find themselves at the crossroads of making challenging decisions, especially when it comes to budgeting. One of the areas often eyed for potential cuts is marketing.

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Why Falling In Love With Your Title Is Bad For Your Leadership

Lolly Daskal

Leaders come in all shapes and sizes, and one of the most common ways they are recognized is by their title. Titles like CEO, manager, or supervisor are used to indicate a person’s level of authority and responsibility within an organization. However, it is important to remember that a title is not what makes a leader, it’s the actions and behavior of the person that hold the title that truly determine their effectiveness as a leader.

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5 Ways to Develop Talent for an Unpredictable Future

Harvard Business Review

We may not know what tomorrow’s jobs will look like, but we can safely assume that when people are more curious, emotionally intelligent, resilient, driven, and intelligent, they will generally be better equipped to learn what is needed to perform those jobs, and provide whatever human value technology cannot replace. Rather than betting on specialists or forcing people into specific niches, organizations need to focus on expanding people’s talents.