Sat.Jan 13, 2024 - Fri.Jan 19, 2024

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How to Create a Safe Space for All Employees to Speak Up

Lolly Daskal

In today’s diverse and rapidly changing business environment, creating a safe space for all employees to speak up is crucial for fostering a healthy work culture. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to ensure that everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. Here are some effective strategies to create a safe and inclusive environment in your workplace.

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Culture in Marketing | Marcus Collins

Peter Winick

Making visible the invisible forces that drive our habits. An interview with Marcus Collins about merging academia and practitioners in marketing. Why do we do what we do and buy what we buy? What invisible forces drive those actions – and how can they be seen? Today our guest is Marcus Collins an award-winning marketer and culture translator.

Marketing 299

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7 Steps to Repair a Damaged Business Partnership

Harvard Business Review

No long-term partnership — personal or professional — is without challenges. Getting key issues on the table in a timely way and having open, direct, and respectful conversations can reduce frustrations and facilitate needed change. In this article, the authors outline seven steps to take if your business partnership has gotten rocky.

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The Heartbeat of Change: A Leadership Journey Inspired by Polyvagal Theory

Thought Leaders LLC

By understanding and applying the principles of Polyvagal Theory and Neuroception, leaders can create workplaces that not only drive success but also promote well-being and human connection. Today’s guest post is b y Randy Brazie MD, SEP® and Geoffrey VanderPal DBA, CFP®, PMP, SHRM-SCP, coauthors of The Steadfast Leader: Control Anxiety, Make Confident Decisions, and Focus Your Team Using the New Science of Leadership (CLICK HERE to get your copy).

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SME Relationships: Proven Solutions for Seamless Collaboration and Success

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

💢 Do you find yourself stuck in never-ending review cycles? Are you wondering if your Subject Matter Expert actually got that last review request? Are you having trouble trying to decipher impractical or conflicting feedback? 💢 If any of these scenarios sounds familiar, you may benefit from a crash course on managing SME relationships!

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New Year’s Resolutions for Businesses: Fine-tuning your appetite for growth

Chief Outsiders

Final in a 3-part series Oh, that resolution to exercise more and eat a healthier diet. It sounds so right—but incredibly daunting. Can I keep it up? When it comes to our own fitness, plenty of folks help us with tools, plans, and the mindset to climb that mountain. But we need to select the right ones, at the right price—or an intended investment in our future could instead be a wasted expense we can’t afford.

Accounts 114
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#3 in Goodpods Top Thought Podcasts!

Peter Winick

Goodpods Top 100 Publishing Podcasts Listen now to Leveraging Thought Leadership podcast Goodpods Top 100 Thought Podcasts Listen now to Leveraging Thought Leadership podcast Source: Goodpods We are #3 in Goodpods Top Thought Podcasts! And Leveraging Thought Leadership has also made the following leaderboards on Goodpods: #12 in the Top 100 Speaking All time chart #14 in the Top 100 Content All time chart #23 in the Top 100 Publishing All time chart #42 in the Top 100 Author All time chart The p


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How to Structure an Internal Communications Team the Right Way

David Grossman

In a world where business priorities are rapidly shifting, internal communications teams are forced to consider whether their structure still meets today's strategic communication needs. The role of the internal communicator has also changed. Beyond partnering across the business, there's a growing need to collaborate with counterparts across all aspects of corporate affairs and the corporate communications team, including media relations, external communications, employer branding, government r

Staffing 110
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Why You Need to Stop “Why Questions”

Leadership Freak

Stupid questions add stress. Here's how to stop asking "why questions" that create adversarial conversations. It natural to ask why, but it's the wrong question when someone misses the mark. More.

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Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Marketing 2024

Peter Winick

Check out Thinkers360! Peter Winick is #5 on Thinkers360 annual leaderboard for our top 50 global thought leaders and influencers on Marketing for 2024. The post Top 50 Global Thought Leaders and Influencers on Marketing 2024 appeared first on Thought Leadership Leverage.

Marketing 259
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Using “Digital Academies” to Close the Skills Gap

Harvard Business Review

“Digital academies” are among the most successful approaches to closing the digital skills gap. These initiatives are specific to the company’s culture and narrative, are highly experiential and considerate of organizational team dynamics, and reach across the enterprise. Using DuPont’s digital academy as a model, companies should design their own internal upskilling programs to serve broad employee segments, include experiential elements, encourage continuous engagement, and prioritize flexibil

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Change Management 101: A Practical 3 Part Guide

Implementing new tools or business processes in your organization? Lemon Learning put together a practical 3 part guide to prevent the pitfalls of change management. Drive a successful change management project from diagnosis through to measurement.

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6 Easy Ways You Can Skill Up for Artificial Intelligence

Lolly Daskal

As the AI revolution gains momentum, understanding its fundamentals has become essential for staying competitive. Whether you’re a leader or an aspiring professional, here are six easy ways to equip yourself for the AI landscape. Grasp Data Science Basics: Start by learning the essentials of data science, which include statistics and programming languages like Python.

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How to Lead Across Generations

Association Now Leadership

One nonprofit struggled to get older and younger leaders to meet eye to eye. Managing conflict means knowing pressure points—and anticipating disagreement. Association leaders who are mindful of diversity on their staff and boards are obligated to think about age and experience as much as any other factor. Different generations have different perspectives, insights, and priorities that are meaningful to an organization’s success.

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There are 3 types of thought leaders. Which type are you?

Peter Winick

Transcript Hi there, it’s Peter Winick. I’m the founder and CEO at Thought Leadership Leverage, and here’s the idea that I’d like to share with you today, and that’s this: As thought leaders, there are three unique perspectives that one could have, or three sort of places of origin, if you will, that most thought leaders come from.

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Your Burnout Is Trying to Tell You Something

Harvard Business Review

Research has established that burnout is primarily the result of psychologically hazardous factors that occur at your workplace. Not being given the resources or time you need to manage your workload, for example, or working in an environment where you have insufficient control and autonomy, are known burnout triggers. No two experiences of burnout are exactly alike, and recovery requires that you pinpoint the unique workplace conditions that are contributing to your stress.

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Is Training the Right Solution?

Speaker: Tim Buteyn

Let's set the scene: you’ve identified a critical performance gap in your organization and need to close that gap. A colleague suggests training, but you suspect there’s something going on that training can’t address. How can you determine if training is the right solution before you commit your budget and resources to a new training program? In this webinar, you will learn how to determine if training is the right solution using the Behavior Engineering Model.

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6 Communication Skills Every Manager Should Master

Lolly Daskal

Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful management. Mastering essential communication skills can dramatically improve your ability to lead, foster collaboration, and drive team performance. As an executive leadership coach working with leaders and managers globally, I’ve discovered that honing these six communication skills is essential for managers to achieve optimal results. 1.

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What Is a Culture Committee? How To Build Yours in 2024


A culture committee is a dedicated group of employees within a company tasked with cultivating and nurturing its culture. They can help cultivate a thriving work environment where employees feel motivated and engaged to perform their best. According to Quantum Workplace , employees who perceive their company’s culture as positive are 3.8 times more likely to show high levels of engagement.

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All You Need To Know About Clan Culture

Vantage Circle

Have you ever walked into an office and felt like you were stepping into a tight-knit family reunion? That's the allure of a 'Clan Culture.' A kind of environment where team spirit isn't just cultivated through mandatory events but blossoms naturally from shared values, mutual respect, and a sense of unity. In a clan culture, you'll notice the existence of an informal hierarchy and a focus on the group's collective success.

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4 Questions to Assess the Trustworthiness of Your Company’s GenAI

Harvard Business Review

Generative AI has the potential to reinvent work, freeing us to unleash our creativity on the problems that really matter. But in order for this to happen, companies need to build people’s trust in the technology. The author, who has spent years researching trust, recommends asking four questions to assess the trustworthiness of your company’s generative AI efforts.

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Revitalizing Dry Content: A Lesson in Engagement

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

We’ve all been there. You’ve been given a pile of dry content and asked to create a compelling eLearning course. You’re determined to create something more engaging than the same old course that learners quickly click through, but how do you take this “boring” content and create something relevant and engaging? Many instructional designers will say, “Boring in means boring out.

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4 Ways to Seek Help Before You Need It

Leadership Freak

You dangle at the end of the rope because of grit gone bad. The people who climb the highest get the most help. Seek help before you need it. Here's how.

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Here’s Why You Should Learn a New Skill This Year (It’s For Your Brain!)


The growth journey of the brain and nervous system begins the moment a fetus is nestled in its mother’s womb. Some of our functions take shape the moment we enter the world, while others unfold during the various stages of life, propelling us into growth and development. Contemporary research indicates that continuous learning supports our brain function well into old age.

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What Is Subjective Well-Being? 8 Ways to Improve Yours


BE THE FIRST TO KNOW Stay up to date with new resources and insights. Subscribe Thank you for your interest in BetterUp. Subjective well-being (SWB) refers to an individual's personal assessment and perception of their overall life satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment. It is a subjective measure that takes into account one's own thoughts and feelings about their well-being rather than relying on external, objective indicators.

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When an Active Pause Is the Best Strategic Choice

Harvard Business Review

In the face of competitive threats, managers are tempted to do something, because being active feels better than being passive. In fact, an active pause can make the most sense. This is especially true in industries facing a big technological change, when going “all in” on a nascent technology may have larger long-term costs than benefits.

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Brain Fog HQ: Memory Enhancement Techniques for Professional Development

Speaker: Chester Santos – Author, International Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, Corporate Trainer, Memory Expert, U.S. Memory Champion

In October, scientists discovered that 75% of patients who experienced brain fog had a lower quality of life at work than those who did not. At best, brain fog makes you slower and less efficient. At worst, your performance and cognitive functions are impaired, resulting in memory, management, and task completion problems. In this entertaining and interactive presentation, Chester Santos, "The International Man of Memory," will assist you in developing life-changing skills that will greatly enha

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Self-Distancing: 4 Ways to Expand Perspective

Leadership Freak

You don’t think straight when emotions are high. Self-distancing enables a new way of seeing. LeBron James used self-distancing when he left the Cleveland Cavaliers and went to the Lakers. More.

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HubSpot-Clearbit Acquisition Enriches CRM Data to Simplify Prospecting


What is Clearbit? Clearbit, the first AI Native Data Provider, enriches CRM data and simplifies the process of identifying top target accounts, understanding who is ready to buy, and instantly finding their contact information. There is a robust integration with HubSpot to build B2B lists with company and contact data and automatically sync those into HubSpot.

B2B 93
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Just Do The Next Right Thing

Michael Hyatt

Hopefully, by now, you have two to three SMARTER goals you intend to focus on for the next 90 days. You may have taken the first step or two in the right direction. But big goals can be daunting. And we never start without facing opposition. What are we to do? The answer might sound […] The post Just Do The Next Right Thing appeared first on Full Focus.

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When You Think You’re Doing Good Work — But Others Don’t

Harvard Business Review

Learning that others’ perception of you or your work doesn’t match up with your own is unsettling, but there are steps you can take to repair it. Learning how you’re perceived can provide an opportunity for self-improvement and professional growth. When you make the effort to reflect, seek additional feedback, acknowledge missteps, learn, and reach out for support, you’ll foster a new perception that you’re committed to — and capable of — growth.

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10 Symptoms of Self-Importance You Need to Know

Leadership Freak

You can't see yourself when you're full of yourself. You can't see others clearly. You can't see the world as it is. Self-Importance is deadly because it distorts perception. Maybe you know someone who needs this post? More.

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14 Daily Routine Examples For a Productive and Powerful Day


Jump to section The importance of having a daily routine 14 daily routine examples Daily schedule example Establishing healthy routines takes effort, but it’s worth it

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Can Your Team Problem Solve Without You? Here’s How to Teach Them

Lolly Daskal

Empowering your team to problem-solve independently is essential for success in today’s fast-paced business environment. As a leader teaching them to tackle challenges on their own not only fosters resilience and agility. It also promotes a high-performing organization. So, how can you help your team develop the skills to solve problems without you?

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When You Want to Be Hybrid, But Your Boss Wants You in the Office

Harvard Business Review

While recent years have seen back-to-work mandates following the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, they’ve also seen a growing number of workers shift to fully or partially remote. Perhaps you’re considering making this shift, too. Many factors make hybrid work schedules appealing — including caring for young children or aging parents, or the stress of long commutes — but flexible work is new and unfamiliar territory for most employers.

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How many times in your career have you jumped into an entirely different industry or area of expertise?

Thought Leaders LLC

Our reader poll today asks: How many times in your career have you jumped into an entirely different industry or area of expertise? Never 21.11% 1-2 40.69% 3-5 28.51% More than 5 9.69% Learning new things. While 62% of you report only moving to a different industry or area of expertise two or less times, 38% have made multiple jumps over the course of your careers.

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How to Apologize to Someone With Grace and Professionalism


Learn how to apologize sincerely and with professionalism. You’ll also learn the best factors for apologizing and why many apologies fall flat.